#1 of 2 in Gearbreakers
#1 of 5 in Knights of Sidonia Master Edition
#1 of 12 in Mobile Suit Gundam: The ORIGIN
2005 • 16 Readers • 448 pages • 4
#10 of 12 in Mobile Suit Gundam: The ORIGIN
#12 of 12 in Mobile Suit Gundam: The ORIGIN
#2 of 12 in Mobile Suit Gundam: The ORIGIN
#3 of 12 in Mobile Suit Gundam: The ORIGIN
#4 of 12 in Mobile Suit Gundam: The ORIGIN
#5 of 12 in Mobile Suit Gundam: The ORIGIN
#6 of 12 in Mobile Suit Gundam: The ORIGIN
#7 of 12 in Mobile Suit Gundam: The ORIGIN
#8 of 12 in Mobile Suit Gundam: The ORIGIN
#9 of 12 in Mobile Suit Gundam: The ORIGIN
#13-14 of 9 in 新世紀エヴァンゲリオン [Shin Seiki Evangelion]
#1-3 of 9 in 新世紀エヴァンゲリオン [Shin Seiki Evangelion]
#4-6 of 9 in 新世紀エヴァンゲリオン [Shin Seiki Evangelion]
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