


The French lieutenant's woman

1969 • 75 Readers • 445 pages 3.9


Little Women

#1 of 3 in Little Women

1848 • 1,553 Readers • 449 pages 3.9

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The Little Prince

1 • 1,942 Readers • 136 pages 4.2

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Good Wives

#1 of 3 in Little Women

1869 • 40 Readers 3.9



6 • 1,098 Readers • 334 pages 3.9


Jane Eyre

1847 • 1,947 Readers • 580 pages 4

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Wuthering Heights

197 • 1,717 Readers • 376 pages 3.6

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Heart of Darkness

1899 • 998 Readers • 132 pages 3.3


A Clockwork Orange

1962 • 1,422 Readers • 149 pages 3.9


Moll Flanders: Dramascripts Extra

1992 • 72 Readers • 72 pages 3.5


Bleak House

1852 • 250 Readers • 682 pages 4


Oliver Twist

1838 • 471 Readers • 512 pages 3.7


The Great Gatsby

1920 • 3,238 Readers • 180 pages 3.7


Across The River And Into The Trees

1950 • 14 Readers • 286 pages 2.3


A Farewell To Arms

199 • 596 Readers • 352 pages 3.7


Ulysses : a critical and synoptic edition

1920 • 681 Readers • 656 pages 3.8


The Jungle Book

#1 of 2 in The Jungle Book

1847 • 194 Readers • 303 pages 3.7



1954 • 1,586 Readers • 395 pages 3.9


Twelve Years a Slave

1853 • 100 Readers • 363 pages 4.2


Animal Farm

1945 • 4,078 Readers • 122 pages 4

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A Clergyman's Daughter

1935 • 19 Readers • 320 pages 3.6


Homage to Catalonia

1938 • 212 Readers • 196 pages 4.1

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1949 • 5,782 Readers • 328 pages 4.2


The Road To Wigan Pier

1936 • 97 Readers • 241 pages 3.7


Bonjour tristesse

1954 • 97 Readers • 154 pages 3.6



The Art of War

-400 • 718 Readers • 193 pages 3.7


The Grapes of Wrath

1939 • 1,238 Readers • 496 pages 3.8


The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

#2 of 4 in Adventures of Tom and Huck

1876 • 1,283 Readers • 327 pages 3.6


The Uncensored Picture of Dorian Gray

1890 • 2,021 Readers • 260 pages 4.1


Mrs. Dalloway

1925 • 61 Readers • 141 pages 3.5


To the Lighthouse

1925 • 602 Readers • 326 pages 3.7


The Scarlet Letter and Other Writings

1850 • 782 Readers • 443 pages 3.1


Narcissus and Goldmund

1930 • 106 Readers • 320 pages 4.1



1927 • 377 Readers 4


Julius Caesar

Graphic Shakespeare

1599 • 319 Readers • 145 pages 3.8


The Count of Monte Cristo

2 Le Comte de Monte-Cristo

1830 • 1,805 Readers • 1,276 pages 4.3


West Side Story

6 Readers 3.8



#1 of 2 in Catch-22

1961 • 1,611 Readers • 466 pages 4

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Cover 0

#1 of 2 in To Kill a Mockingbird

1960 • 1 Reader


Go Set a Watchman

2015 • 346 Readers • 288 pages 3

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#1 of 2 in Beloved Trilogy

1987 • 879 Readers • 362 pages 3.9

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Pride and Prejudice

Cozy Classics

1811 • 2,741 Readers • 342 pages 4.2

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Great Expectations


1860 • 966 Readers • 548 pages 3.5

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A Tale of Two Cities

Oxford Bookworms

19 • 1,157 Readers • 544 pages 3.6

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For Whom the Bell Tolls

1940 • 544 Readers • 484 pages 3.9


The Woodlanders

1800 • 32 Readers • 304 pages 4.3


The Catcher in the Rye

1951 • 2,942 Readers • 288 pages 3.6

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Love Story

#1 of 6 in Love Story

1969 • 57 Readers • 176 pages 3.5

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Scenes from a Marriage

#25 of 2 in Filmberättelser

1972 • 2 Readers • 212 pages 4

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Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

1962 • 122 Readers • 258 pages 3.9

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We Have Always Lived in the Castle

1962 • 993 Readers • 146 pages 3.9


The Lottery and Other Stories

1949 • 184 Readers • 366 pages 3.8


Anna Karenina

1877 • 1,382 Readers • 1,480 pages 4