‘People can't always give us what we want from them, you can't ask them to love you the way you want and no one can be blamed for that' my heart skipped a beat
déçu par toutes les recommandations élogieuses de ce livre
scène de violences psychologiques passives, « légère infidélité » avec « un gracieux animal, espagnole blonde » qui renforce son amour pour Marthe puis plus tard avec une amie de Marthe croyant « bénéficier d'un viol facile »
écœurée devant un texte grammaticalement bien construit qui fait passer des scènes misogynes comme si c'était romantique
1 étoile parcequ'on ne peut pas mettre moins
honestly sally rooney is a queen
I love the way she brings the past into the present, very fluid
the non-existence of the quotation marks isn't a problem for me
wtf just happened ? I didn't expect to like it but now this is in my top 5 “fav book ever”
read it ! read it ! can't wait for the second book of the folk of the air series
I was liking it but then this moment happened.....
so this is absolutely normal that she called someone and lied by saying that she had been sexu*lly assault ?!
maybe, and I truly wish, I didn't understand