Lecture douce et agréable. On plonge dans une ambiance très rassurante et la fin nous le fait bien comprendre en nous tirant de cette bulle de confort... L'histoire d'un amour familial pur.
incroyable ! la fin est peut-être un peu lente/ennuyeuse mais la traduction est dingue !
C'était... INCROYABLE. Je l'ai dévoré en 3 jours et c'était un pur bonheur. Je me sentais inclus dans l'histoire, un peu comme de la magie
j'ai adoré ! histoire d'une adolescente avec une mère aux comportements de plus en plus étrange, un groupe d'amis ayant des expériences similaires... l'intrigue est pas mal, je reste quand même un peu sur ma fin/faim (clin d'œil) à la dernière page.
romance touchante qui aborde pleins de sujets importants (TOC, anxiété, deuil...)
on trouve ENFIN un perso masculin cis-het bienveillant et non avec un comportement patriarcal extrême (comme on le voit ET banalise trop souvent dans la new romance)
J'ai bien aimé les questionnements que ça amène même si le résumé en 4eme de couverture ne resume que les 20 dernières pages. Finalement l'histoire tourne autour d'une romance, avec un des deux protagonistes qui a de gros soucis dans sa sexualité et son estime. TW non mentionné de viol au milieu du livre qui impactera tout le reste du récit, on s'en doute.
she was very sad, probably depressed and in grief
I don't think I need to say this but it's, obviously, beautifully written
this is a really, really good book
but I didn't think, at any point in the book, that it was ‘funny' or ‘hilarious'
it reflects our society, how it expects us to behave in a certain way
but also how our jobs can erase our humanity, to become robots
not long enough.
I want more of this stunning writing, more of this perfection.
this book will stay with me for a while, a year, as long as i'm alive ;)
the RAGE
i felt that the pacing was slow but I wasn't bored at all, it's such a powerful story
i dont even know where to begin...
this book was just fabulous
there's so much topics here; depression, sh, the mmc daddy issues, toxic relationships, grief, addiction, and true love
it's probably the kind of book that'll going to always be with me, always be thinking about summer-raine and auden
im so grateful for having experience this love story
absolutely must read
sarah rose etter depicts so well the way our world works and how we're acclimatized to it –for the price of our humanity
it was very interesting and fascinating, the explanations were clear and understandable
I'm also, kind of, less “afraid” of them
thanks to net galley for the advanced copy
I love poetry, especially when it's about love and heartbreak
it's always tricky to rate poetry so take mine with a grain of salt
some poem felt really “simple” and some were elegant and worked
overall I liked to read this collection, particularly because it is modern in terms of visions on love and couple/commitment
thanks to Netgalley for the copy
something tricky about collected stories is that some can be amazing and some can feel flat and
that's my case with this book
something we can't take back to Daniel A. Olivas is the diversity and representations that her work contains, even if we can't connect with each story it's worth the ride
thank you netgalley for the copy
marcos became insane because of the inhumanity of the world (it can be applied in our world, obviously it's the whole point of this book)
check the TW before reading this one !
this book was rough, the topics were hard to read about but necessary
I couldn't finished it because I was so disturbed and frustrated but damn... this is so fucking genius of iain reid
this book is made for you to reread after first finishing it and THEN you'll understand this piece of art
we have a strange relationship this book and me...
this was unexpectedly amazing, but at the same time idk if I get what this is about
the writing is astonishing she's so talented, the imagination that leigh bardugo have ?!? omg
this is not scary nor disturbing, it's just gross.
pretty much all the characters (even the author at this point) are sexist, macho and homophobic
the fuck with the animal torture ? is it a unfulfilled phantasm for the author, so he wrote a book to be appease ?
what's the point ? do you guys, have enjoyment reading a book that grossed you out ?
absolutely not.
I can't read anymore books by male authors writing about violence, just for the fact to be violent and they're disgusting misogynistic thinking. Go to therapy man.