I felt so many feelings while reading this. I was sad and happy and mad and surprised and so much. Renata made so many mistakes, but kept on going. I really appreciate that. The ending was unexpected! I can't wait to see what happens next.
This is scary because it is so real! The extremity of the experiments might not be the most real, but the why of the experiments and the people involved felt very real. The ending was frustrating, but again realistic, which is why it was frustrating. Sometimes I just want to see the really awful people get their due. If you want to read a thriller about medical experimentation and medical racism, this is the book. If you want to read a thriller that makes you suspect those around you, read this one. An important well told story.
This is my favorite adult T. Kingfisher book! I love the way that Simon and Kara work together. I love the way they figure out the ‘rules' for this new world that they found. I liked the way we got a glimpse into a world(s) that are just a little different than ours. I thought the solution was good even if it took Kara awhile to get there. But even if she was slow on the uptake, it led to some really great scenes, so I'm not mad about it. There are a few of the images from the book that will stick with me for a while. I also liked the little glimpse we get into Kara getting back into a ‘normal' life. The ex-husband parts weren't my favorite, but I can see the benefit of him showing up also. I can see myself reading this book again sometime.
I loved the writing and the sense of place. There was sadness and poignancy and I liked those feelings. I'm not sold on the ending, but I don't hate it. I didn't like that friendship wasn't portrayed. I also wanted more of the in between years. So I liked it, but there were some things missing.
The magic that they possess and the way it works is interesting. Blake did a good job managing all of the different points of view. I never got lost as I was listening. I love the way Blake writes. It is more purple that most other books I read, but it works for the stories that she tells.
The twist at the end came out of nowhere and wasn't foreshadowed enough. The library at Alexandria didn't feel important enough for there to be a thousands of years old secret society based around it.
I love the way that the Disney version of Alice is referenced in this one. The author did a great job making the story deeper and more mature while keeping the nostalgic feel. I questioned the toy collection part at first, but the explanation from the Queen of Spades made it creepy. Some of the stuff at the end felt anti-climactic and obvious.
This was my first Twisted Tale and I really loved the approach to the story. I will be reading more of the Twisted Tales series. Thanks to Cailin for the recommendation.
I really liked seeing the journey Maryse goes on through this story. There is so much hate all around and the pain that is causes is dealt with in different ways. The thing that Maryse realizes about herself is powerful and important. I'm glad I read this one.
I liked the concept of prehistoric horror and the setting of tiny rural English village, but there were times I struggled to believe the characters. Sometimes it seemed like their backstory was extra dramatic without actual events in their past to back it up. Sometimes their actions didn't seem to mesh with the story that we were told about them, especially with the ‘bad guys.' In the end, I wanted a little more detail about everything, especially in how the ‘bad guys', the money, and the history were all tied up together.
Wow! I am so glad I picked this one up. It is so heavy and hopeful at the same time. Life is hard and making good decisions is hard, but having support along the way is hopeful. This book does a beautiful job encapsulating all that.
This was such an enjoyable journey with these two. I really enjoyed the setting in Wales with the woods and mountains, etc. Ryn and Ellis learn so much about themselves and the world while also battling for what is right and best. Lovely.
Zafira and Nasir are complicated and not all what everyone thinks they are. They are also being used by others to get what they want regardless of how Nasir and Zafira feel. So the reveals by the end are unexpected. I wasn't always sure where the story is going and I can't swear that all the events felt necessary. So I'm glad I was listening to this one. I am very interested in seeing what happens next.
This book was very clever. It kept me thinking the whole time about who is right and who is wrong. How should we think about the people who are re-created, especially when there is such a wealth gap involved? This was a good sci-fi horror that kept me wondering about real world implications.
I was surprised a couple times. I really enjoyed all the family members and Brönte's voice telling the story. This is a fun adventure discovering famil y and her own capabilities .
This novella felt like the old school ghost stories from when I was a kid. Weird family secrets and ghosts that are just barely there. I liked the explanation of what was happening and the ending. The way that Tara reacted when the worst of it was over was a good creepy touch. Quick, creepy ghost story.
I don't know how I feel about this book. It is heartbreaking and hopeful and frustrating. It made me feel a bunch. It also was reminiscent of Don Quixote, but way more emotional. So if you want a super emotional book that you aren't sure if you like it, then pick this one up.
I was prepared for another investigation that made me wonder what is natural and what supernatural. I was not prepared for a book that made me care so deeply about several of these characters. This was more than just an enigmologist mystery thriller. It brought up questions about privacy and science and illness. I think this is my favorite Jeremy Logan book, so far.
The parent child relationships in this one are powerful. That is part of what makes this series special.
I'm not sure how I feel about this one. I liked the women and I liked that they each had different struggles. Sometimes it felt like things were moving too quickly with their stories. There was a lot of real hurt and issues that are brought up in their lives. Sometimes I wanted more discussions and heart work before the next step in the relationships happens. I'm glad I read it and there really is a lot to think about in the various relationships that are portrayed.
Wow! This is a powerful story and I can't imagine it being told any other way than in graphic novel form. I like the back and forth in time. It really increased my interest. I even teared up and cried a few times. There were a whole range of powerful emotions! This is something that everyone should read.
I debate between a 3 and a 3.5. I liked the characters and the time I spent with them. The story moved slowly and sometimes that bothered me, but at other times it was good. There is so much going back and forth in time also. Again I sometimes liked it and sometimes didn't. The ending was not a surprise by the time we got there, but I was surprised that I was so torn about the characters by the end. So I mostly enjoyed reading it, but sometimes it was way too slow.
Cites and Rowan's chapters felt very different and it made it hard for me to connect with both of them. I love the questions about mortality and what life means that this brought up. I didn't like the way religion was dealt with. I liked the different Scythes we get see throughout their training.
The setting was fabulous! The characters were eh. The world building was at times contradictory. The ‘message' was a little too on the nose for me.
It took me a little longer than normal to get into this one, but as Jo gained her voice and courage, I really started to get into this one. The first twist was obvious, but it did ratchet up the tension for the rest of the book. That tension was good and it helped to further round out Jo as a character. The end was a surprise and the epilogue was okay as well. So this book got better and better as I continued reading it.