I loved it!!!!!
I need more!!!!! I hope there is more!
I wanna see China's dad, and more Clark scenes.
It kept me interested, wasn't boring. Could of been longer, more details.
But I felt like everything happened way too fast.
We did see character development, which is good.
Good book, worth reading. Took me about 2-3 hours to read.
I loved the beginning, and everything, that's why I gave it 2 stars.
It went down after that.
I was so mad that her and Mason broke up.
I mean I like Ash but come on Mason is the one.
If there was more character development, I'd give it a 4 star!
It was really good, I laughed at some parts, glad I read the book.
Easy read only took me 3 Hours :)
I loved this book!!! The writing was really good.
You feel so many emotions! It keeps you interested and you have suspicions about what's going on, but you never know when the shit will hit the fan.
When it does, your like wow. Loved it read it in a few hours, wish Colton could of beat some ass.
This book was really good, it reminded me of a movie I watched called “Push” with Chris Evans. It had a lot of similar elements to it, same abilities and same confused girl who doesn't know who's the real bad guy.
Overall I really liked the book, but I could tell what was going to happen. Nothing surprised me.
Wasn't the best, but I still liked it.
The story was to fast, not a lot of development.
I loved it. Their is so much detail. It really drags you in, I just wish we seen more of her daughter.
Is there going to be more books? I feel like there is more to happen with Clark? I loved him. He reminded me of Kade.
The final book, I gave it a 4 out of 5 stars because the ending wasn't that great, it felt rushed where was the years after they'd been together, little peak into their lives, those are my favorite endings.
It was an amazing story coming together, I loved it till the end.
It was better than expected. I didn't mind every point if view we read from. I loved Sophia the most, she was a true friend and strong. Truly page turning, you want to read whats next, and everyone is a suspect.