“All is over”
This heartbreaking story between Armand and Marguerite really impacted me.
The way Armand was willing to do anything for her and forgive her for the most absurd things (that she did not commit on purpose) was so hauntingly beautiful.
FINALLY OH MY GODDDD, I hated how Rowan had to fuck an employee too know that he was treating them like slaves?
When they said that this portraid romance better then 300 page books, they were right
I read the blurb, found it interesting, and I expected more then this book offered
After the second chapter the pace of the book started being weird, and the writing only went downhill. The book had so much potential tho
The way I knew who it was gonna be, but it still shocked me so much. Beautiful ending tho
So, this book was definitly and adventure, I wasn't expecting to like it as much as I did!
I've been struggling so much with reading and the beginning of this book was not helping but I pushed through it but it started getting so good and I couldn't put it down
I was 100% certain I wouldn't like this book, and there were some things that I did not in fact enjoy. But overall the story kept me engaged and I like the plot twists!