

Cover 8

13 Readers 4.4

Cover 3

1784 • 6 Readers • 121 pages 4

An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding

1748 • 99 Readers • 305 pages 4.1


ByGilles Deleuze,Félix Guattari,+3 more

83 Readers 4.3

A Treatise of Human Nature

#1-3 of 2 in A Treatise of Human Nature

1740 • 37 Readers • 632 pages 3.6

Cover 0

ByPiero, Philip Thody, Philip Thody

1 Reader 3


ByFriedrich Nietzsche

1885 • 428 Readers • 202 pages 3.5

Black Skin, White Masks

1952 • 108 Readers 4.1

Capital: A Critique of Political Economy, Vol 1: A Critical Analysis of Capitalist Production

#1 of 1 in Capital

1867 • 142 Readers • 1,166 pages 3.8

Capitalist Realism: Is There No Alternative?

2009 • 251 Readers • 81 pages 4.1

Critique of Judgment

Critique of Judgment
ByImmanuel Kant,Werner S. Pluhar(Translator)

1987 • 22 Readers • 692 pages 3.5

Critique of Practical Reason

1997 • 29 Readers • 186 pages 3.7

Critique of Pure Reason

1781 • 183 Readers • 792 pages 3.4

Dialectic of Enlightenment

Dialectic of Enlightenment
ByTheodor W. Adorno,Max Horkheimer

1947 • 34 Readers • 288 pages 4.3

Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion

1779 • 25 Readers • 110 pages 4.2

Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison

Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison
ByMichel Foucault,Alan Sheridan(Translator)

1975 • 150 Readers • 354 pages 4

Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy

1637 • 64 Readers • 136 pages 3.8

Cover 1

4 Readers 4

Cover 6

1956 • 3 Readers 4


ByAlain Badiou

2013 • 3 Readers • 225 pages 4

Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals

Groundbook of the Metaphysics of Morals

Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals
ByImmanuel Kant,Mary Gregor,+1 more

1785 • 48 Readers • 82 pages 3.7

John Stuart Mill: On Liberty

John Stuart Mill: On Liberty
ByJohn Stuart Mill,Daniel Kolak,+1 more

111 Readers 3.8

Language, Truth, and Logic

1936 • 21 Readers • 160 pages 4.5


#1 of 4 in Leviathan

ByThomas Hobbes

1651 • 160 Readers • 519 pages 3.4

Nicomachean Ethics

Nicomachean Ethics
ByAristotle,Robert C. Bartlett(Translator),+1 more

-350 • 189 Readers • 256 pages 3.7

On Bullshit

On Bullshit
ByHarry G. Frankfurt

1986 • 97 Readers • 74 pages 3.4

On the Genealogy of Morals

On the Genealogy of Morals
ByFriedrich Nietzsche,Michael A. Scarpitti(Translator)

1887 • 143 Readers • 207 pages 3.9

On the Jewish Question

1844 • 6 Readers • 50 pages 3.3

Phänomenologie des Geistes

Phänomenologie des Geistes

1973 • 94 Readers • 621 pages 4


ByChristine M. Korsgaard

7 Readers 4.3


ByAristotle,Anthony Kenny(Translator)

-335 • 91 Readers • 161 pages 3.7

Postmodernism, or, The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism (Post-Contemporary Interventions)

1991 • 38 Readers • 438 pages 3.9

Cover 1

Power/Knowledge: Selected Interviews and Other Writings, 1972-1977
ByMichel Foucault,Leo Marshall(Translator),+2 more

1977 • 8 Readers 4

Selected Writings

1977 • 1 Reader • 388 pages 4

The Anti-Christ

The Anti-Christ
ByFriedrich Nietzsche

1895 • 67 Readers • 126 pages 3.6

The Birth of Tragedy

The Birth of Tragedy
ByFriedrich Nietzsche,Shaun Whiteside(Translator)

1871 • 80 Readers • 160 pages 4

The Collected Works, Vol. 1

De store tænkere

The Collected Works, Vol. 1
ByScott McClanahan,Manuel Alberto Vieira(Translator)

-400 • 48 Readers • 3,808 pages 4.4

The Communist Manifesto

1848 • 460 Readers • 51 pages 3.4

The History of Western Philosophy

#1-3 of 1 in A History of Western Philosophy

1945 • 195 Readers • 895 pages 4

The Subjection of Women

The Subjection of Women
ByJohn Stuart Mill

1869 • 8 Readers • 78 pages 4

Thus Spoke Zarathustra

Thus Spoke Zarathustra
ByFriedrich Nietzsche

1883 • 433 Readers • 356 pages 3.8

Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus

Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
ByLudwig Wittgenstein,Charles Kay Ogden(Translator)

1921 • 126 Readers • 143 pages 4


ByJohn Stuart Mill

1861 • 52 Readers • 368 pages 3.5