this was a perfect 5 stars for me...until the last 3ish chapters. i really don't know what to think and I can't help but be annoyed with the way this book ends but it still deserves a high rating bc the first 80% was truly so good I was on the edge the whole time
this book was very sad and made me tear up in some parts. i really enjoyed reading it, it wasnt at all what i expected but thats okay
i really enjoyed the format of the book, story itself wasnt amazing but it was interesting enough. i also like the kinda ambiguous ending
im not gonna rate this one bc the topic is so heavy I just dont feel like doing it. the book itself is very important and overall heartbreaking and made me very angry with people in it and their opinions/victim blaming. it didint really give me what I was expecting but i still think its good and a must read
finally done. the first 100pgs or so where nice but then it just got boring, to the point of me having to listen to the audiobook on 2.3x speed to get thru this crap. book itself isnt terrible, theres just not much happening for a book dats over 500pgs. also the plot twist is yikes but i already had that spoiled years ago
this book was fine. i enjoyed the first half way more bc of the atmosphere of it. even tho i didnt predict any plot twist, it still wasnt that shocking to me or amazing but at least enjoyable
FINALLY AFTER A MONTH OF READING I FINISHED and sadly didint love it. first half was amazing and would give it 5 stars but the second was painfully boring to me. i like the characters, relationships, messages it had but idk, just didint hit me by the end of it. also the way it took them like 2 chapters to kill the nameless one that they've been scared of for decades is kinda funny to me ??? i prob would love it if it was way shorter, like 300 pages shorter maybe
reading this was an experience. i only understood/liked 2 stories yet i read the whole book in less than 24hrs, annotated alot of stuff and overall enjoyed the writting and the reading process itself. i wish i understood more, i really tried but i think this was too abstract for me. i still plan to reread it one day in the future to see if i get something more out of it. im not rating this bc it would be unfair in my opinion.
my fav stories were the husband stitch and eight bites
read the first half in one sitting but sadly the other half was so boring it took me a whole day to finish, i even skim read the last chapter or two. loved the parts abt working at amazon but theres so many fragments about random stuff from the authors life or her thoughts that have nothing to do with the subject of the book and i hated those SO much. i tabbed alot coz i once worked at a similar job so it was all very relateable but i wish she just stuck to writting abt the actual job and not random and uninteresting stuff
this was dissapointing. the book description sounds interesting but the actual book is far from it. it has many random and sad stories that go nowhere, they have no purpose other than be sad and you forget abt them the second they end. the main story is just boring. i will say the writting is very pretty and it was the only thing i liked. the book does talk abt tragic and important things but they are so short that I felt nothing at the end and i wish the book was longer, so we can get to know those characters and really care for them. fast read but also very forgetable
the beginning was so strong and it just kept getting worse and worse. im very dissapointed with the pointless direction this book took :/
tell me why did I put this book away for so long. i really loved this one, yeah I guessed all the plot twists but ruth ware presents these stories in such way that I don't even care when they are predictable. this one even made me tear up at the end and I will for sure remember these characters just like I did with the turn of the key
boring but in a good way. also cried. also hate and love all the characters. also god bless omar and ahmed i love them dearly
this was a very anticipated read for me so i went into it with big hopes. wasnt at all what i expected but im not mad. i think the book was more abt the wlw relationship and the main character than the work itself, but at the same time the work did impact her relationships and what she did so i was fine with that. not a fan of the ending, wish we got a bit more there.
SO GOOD. i teared up. read it in one day with almost no breaks, it ripped me straight out of a slump
sadly i wasnt a fan of this book so im not going to rate it since its a nonfiction abt grief, i think thats just unfair to do. going into this i thought grief will be explored alot and i will find alot of parts that resonates with me and my experience, but in my opinion grief took maybe 10% of the book. everything else was just stories and random thoughts that have nothing to do with anything; repeating names of the hospitals over and over, quoting medical books, random movies, songs ect. i was so confused most the time coz i had no clue what shes talking abt as a non american person. i also had some issues with how she portrayed the way she lived in 70s/80s/90s as a norm, as if everyone else lived like that, where in reality it was far from it? it happend alot and it just annoyed me idk. it was very hard to feel any emotions for me while reading this, i think only the first chapter made me feel anything, i just wanted more. i did find fragments that i liked/related to, when she actually did talk abt grief; how she felt, how she was trying to survive thru it all but it was still a very small portion of the book in my opinion. also i have to say her writing is amazing; the way that she made me finish this book even tho i was confused 90% of the time is proof enough. i will read more from her bc of that and i hope i will find something i like more
more like 2.5?
I loved the first 30% of the book and the set up and how the main character was created but then the book just went nowhere in my opinion. I loved all the little sections abt her memories from palestine or different cultural differences she noticed and the mother daughter relationship but sadly that was like maybe 20% of the book and I wanted more. I think that's usually my issue with the whole “girl failure in her 20s” genre, it never has a point and even if it touches on important issues here and there it's still not enough to justify the nothingness in between. but I'm aware it's just something I personally don't enjoy
yeah I think this is one of those where its me and not the book I think? seeing all the amazing reviews wondering if I read the same book as everyone and being very confused. I picked it up bc I love horror that also has some commentary and deeper meaning and this sounded promising but instead I feel like I got a fantasy action novella?? I'm not gonna give this a rating coz I think it's not fair and maybe I'm just not understanding this one (although I've read several reviews and book summaries/explanations and I didn't miss anything).
rating this 3.75 stars but im gonna be generous and round up
its a solid start to a series but idk why i just didnt connect to it. i love the characters but i didnt really care abt anything until the last 200pgs maybe. still a great book and i wouldnt rate it any lower coz its more of a me problem tgan the book and im excited to continue the series coz i know it gets better
this just wasnt what i thought it was so i didnt care about anything. not a fan of survival stories without any scary/paranormal stuff. but that aside the book was just fine idk, nothing new or surprising
this is my second stand alone ferrante and yet again i didn't love it. idk what it is, i love the first half, then i get bored and then i rush the second half and hate it. maybe it's the pacing or i just get bored of the same topic over and over or maybe she can't keep me engaged. i wanted to love this one so bad bc broken marriage is my fav theme in any media but this just didn't hit