
33 Favorite Self-Help Books of Psychologists

The Psychology Network (via Psych Central's Therese J. Borchard) has collected psychologists' favorite self-help books, medically reviewed by the Scientific Advisory Board.

7 Things He'll Never Tell You: . . . But You Need to Know

2007 • 1 Reader • 224 pages

A return tolove

A return tolove
ByMarianne Williamson

1992 • 1 Reader • 260 pages

Change Your Brain, Change Your Life

1998 • 10 Readers • 352 pages 3.7

Circle of Stones: Woman's Journey to Herself

1989 • 3 Readers • 82 pages 5

Depressed and Anxious

Depressed and Anxious
ByThomas Marra

2004 • 4 Readers • 264 pages

Don't Bring It to Work

Don't Bring It to Work
BySylvia Lafair

2009 • 1 Reader • 256 pages

Don't sweat the small stuff-- and it's all small stuff

1997 • 1 Reader • 248 pages

Embracing Your Potential

1998 • 2 Readers • 208 pages

Freedom from the Ties That Bind

1994 • 2 Readers • 224 pages

Get Out of Your Mind & Into Your Life

Get Out of Your Mind & Into Your Life
BySteven C. Hayes,Spencer Xavier Smith

2005 • 20 Readers • 206 pages 3.5

How to Win Friends and Influence People

1913 • 743 Readers • 276 pages 3.9

I Ain't Much, Baby--But I'm All I've Got

1974 • 2 Readers • 256 pages

If Your Adolescent Has an Anxiety Disorder: An Essential Resource for Parents

2006 • 2 Readers • 240 pages

Just Enough

Just Enough
ByLaura Nash,Howard Stevenson

2004 • 2 Readers • 320 pages

Los Cinco Lenguajes Del Amor

1990 • 62 Readers • 188 pages 4

Loving What Is

Loving What Is
ByByron Katie,Stephen Mitchell

2002 • 27 Readers • 288 pages 3.5

Man's Search for Meaning

Man's Search for Meaning
ByViktor E. Frankl

1946 • 1,376 Readers • 240 pages 4.3

Mindfulness and the Art of Choice: Transform Your Life

2008 • 2 Readers • 124 pages

My Stroke of Insight

My Stroke of Insight
ByJill Bolte Taylor

2006 • 40 Readers • 291 pages 3.7

Optimistic Child

Optimistic Child
ByMartin E.P. Seligman

1995 • 6 Readers 4

Peaks and Valleys

Peaks and Valleys
BySpencer Johnson

2009 • 8 Readers • 112 pages 4

The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook

1990 • 15 Readers • 488 pages 3.3

The Dance of Intimacy

The Dance of Intimacy
ByHarriet Lerner

1989 • 8 Readers • 255 pages 3.7

The Hurried Child

The Hurried Child
ByDavid Elkind

1981 • 5 Readers • 210 pages 4

The Last Lecture

The Last Lecture
ByRandy Pausch

2008 • 204 Readers • 206 pages 4.2

The Power of Now

The Power of Now
ByEckhart Tolle

1997 • 348 Readers • 229 pages 3.7

The Prophet

The Prophet
ByKahlil Gibran

1923 • 391 Readers • 240 pages 4.2

The Road Less Traveled

The Road Less Traveled
ByM. Scott Peck

1978 • 47 Readers • 320 pages 3.2

The Steps of Essence

The Steps of Essence
ByHanns-Oskar Porr

2009 • 2 Readers • 258 pages

The Woman Who Thought too Much

2010 • 3 Readers • 342 pages

Your Erroneous Zones

Your Erroneous Zones
ByWayne W. Dyer

1976 • 22 Readers • 256 pages 3.8