If your searching for a book with romance and adventure it is the book for you. The style is super fluid and the book full of references to myth and children stories.
Can't wait to read the next book !
This is insanely good, well written and plot twist till the end. I didn't wanted it to end. Leigh Bardugo knows as no one how to talk about broken characters.
Thank you for these books.
Love this book, it is a great sequel and the story really evolves. Just four star because I felt like some part of the book were a bit slow and I sometimes had to focus to go through.
Also I feel like the author has difficulty to decide if she wants to focus on romance or on adventure and sometimes the global story suffer from it.
But I will def pick up the 3rd one to follow Celeana's adventures !!!
Best book of V.E Schwab I've read so far
Everything is really unique and the action rhythm is really good and makes you want to know more.
Some plot twist are reaaaaally well done.
Looking forward to discover the rest of this serie and see if the next book fill my expectations.
Best book read since Grishaverse two years ago.
Update -> finished the all serie. This is so so good highly recommend this reading.
Évitez de lire le résumé car il gâcherait vraiment votre lecture !
Ayant adoré la nuit des temps on m'avait fortement conseillé de découvrir La Tempête qu'on m'annonçait plus abouti.
J'ai retrouvé toutes les qualités de Barjavel: un livre comme un scénario de film, incroyablement visuel et imaginatif. Ses références de guerre froide et son goût pour la tragédie et le spectaculaire.
Cependant j'ai également retrouvé son racisme et sexisme qui me font douter qu'il puisse être publié en 2019 et heureusement!
J'ai adoré ce livre, mais je lui ferait un reproche; je n'ai absolument pas cru à la romance de ce livre. Je la trouve d'ailleurs dérangeante et pas loin d'un syndrome de Stockholm. On retrouve le goût de l'auteur pour les personnages féminins tellement « pures » qu'elles sont presque dénuées de volonté propre.
Une grande romance non mais un vrai roman d'anticipation et de science fiction oui !
Best book of the saga so far !
Celeana's adventures take another dimension and I live that the story is now decided in three perspective all over the country. It gives depth to the intrigue and the world.
Still love to read these books!
My favorite book of the TOG serie so far !
I literally can't wait to read the sequel and discover the destiny of this world.
I love what happens with the new characters and I was deeply surprise by a couple of twist.
Just an awesome serie !
How much was I disapponted when I understood we will not see Aelin for a full book ??? ... I have no words for that.
This book was nice but I was seriously waiting only to know more about Aelin.
I don't care about Choal in general... the only highlight for me was Nesryn !!! She deserved everything that happened to her and she is actually the one bringing valuable information in this books about Maeve.
Choal story was so predictable ... anyway.
I like the south continent tradition with these scary siblings and all these schemes...
doesn't deserve more than 3,5 for me !
I really hope Kingdom of Ash will be enough to fill my expectations
Une conclusion à une saga incroyable qui me laisse sur ma fin. Assez gênée avec le recul avec certaines fortes ressemblances avec À la croisée des mondes dont l'autrice semble avoir tiré nombre de ses inspirations.
La quasi disparition de nos personnages secondaires pendant ce dernier tome est tellement dommage.
L'univers reste fabuleux et unique et beaucoup des personnages me manqueront énormément.
Une dernier tome à l'image d'Ophelie, courageux et maladroit. Une déception tout de même.
Read many times. Still an absolute enchantment as every of Taniguchi's work.
My personal favorite.
As much as I wanted to like this book, I must say I didn't.
The idea is really good, I liked the ending etc...
But oh gosh it was long ... the flashback doesn't really serve the story and the “ historical” aspect is the worst. It is never relevant for the character development and just make you want to skip through this to go back to the present.
So to sum up. Great idea, way too long and slow.
4,5 ⭐️
What a surprise!
Really didn't expected that. I am not found of retelling but I loved this vision of the Arthurian legend and its inheritance.
I loved to read with a young African-American girl as the main character and openly talking about the racisms and discrimination she has to endure everyday ( even when you live in a world with magic).
This was so good. Highly recommend.
As much as I liked the two first books of this serie, the third one was the best.
The first third is a bit slow but the rest is just pure adventure. I couldn't stop reading and just devoured the 400 last pages and wasn't able to disconnect from the story.
I will for sure keep the character and the story in my mind for a long time. Highly recommend.
It was entertaining, but the love for “Perfect Happy Ending” of Sarah J Maas is sadly making her stories predictable and her ends flats. Her stories always lack a bit of depth that would have make them memorable.
I still enjoy her books and I believe they are great summer reads.
Sharing insights from history and testimonies, this book brings so much perspective on the inaccessibility in the world of design.
It's not only about graphic design but about exclusions, euro-centered beauty criteria, hiring processes, power structures, mentoring, workplace discrimination and more...
I would highly recommend to anyone to read this and especially if you feel you can't fit in this world. You do.
Vraiment une grosse déception car j'avais très envie d'aimer ce livre que je sais en plus autobiographique.
Je l'ai trouvé inutile et plat. Bref une histoire d'amour dont on se fout complètement.
R F Kuang really know how to use fantasy as a tool to approach difficult topics.
Her portrait of colonialism, racism, white feminism and class war is brilliant. Their protagonists journeys are fascinating. I highly recommend this read as this book is one of a kind.
Only fault, the story have some pace issues and the author passion for linguistic despite being essential to the story creates unnecessary length bits.
So happy this book is waaaaaaay better than the fourth which was a massive disappointment !
You will be happy to know that action is finally back !!! Can't wait to read the sixth !!!
Ok this was a nice adventure but I felt all the way that the action was sometimes waaaaaay too slow. And even if some elements and characters constructions are really great I felt that we never really get to something true and maybe sometimes more simple.
Anyway I really enjoyed this ending and feel like she is way more comfortable with giving closure.
Loved this Book ! Really succeed to give enough to create a credible trilogy.
So so so excited for Finale🙏
So I just finished Finale by Stephanie Garber yesterday and I really liked it. I think it is a really good conclusion to the saga and it def become truely about romance. Love is absolutely in the center of this 3rd book. We get to know more about the fates which is awsome and also about Paradise lost, the girls mother.
But I have to say I was a little bit disappointed by the fact that the end seems to easy to me. Like love triumphs, everyone is happy and rich... etc
I have to say that especially in this one that the character would struggle a little bit more and would not have a flat happy ending. I love the ending of the second book because it didn't feel to easy.
I would have like to see Legend really scared at the end about the future or something like that.
But I did have a really good time and I still love the universe!
This was a nice book ! I liked the universe and the way the magic is described and expressed in this world.
But I have to say this is not a book I would have read it one sit with the excitement of turning the next page...
This was a really nice first book, wasn't a revelation for me. But I will def read the next adventures of Finn and Alfie :)
J'ai pas les mots pour vous dire à quel point ce livre est une aventure merveilleuse et envoûtante.
Écrit comme un scénario de film, l'histoire est intensément visuelle et pleine de rebonsissement.
À quel point il est contemporain et juste dans notre course effrénée contre notre propre planète et nous replonge dans l'epoque de la guerre froide.
À lire absolument.
PS: à remettre dans le contexte de l'époque où aujourd'hui certains aspects de l'oeuvre seraient totalement redibitoire pour son traitement des “races” d'homme et son portrait de la femme comme une petit oiseau fragile à proteger et dont la passivité est “réconfortante”.
Finishing this book broke my heart. I didn't want this adventure to end. So happy I still have more to read of this universe but I will miss these for sure.
I understand why people say this book has the “middle book syndrom”.
Yes the action is way slower than in the first one, but I have to say I really enjoyed to go deeper in the culture of the world and the characters psychology. Even if the main plot does not advance that much, Lila, Kell and Rhys definitively do!
This serie is outstanding compare to what I have read of V.E. Schwab. I am really excited to read the last book and see how the story will wrap up !