From the Internet. #RIT ‘16. Aspiring #minimalist. Love/hate relationship with #javascript. | Freelance Web Developer | 🇺🇸 🇸🇻
Location:El Tunco, El Salvador
I was able to get through the first 100 or so pages of the book before I had to let it go. The story is very rough, as is noted in the forward. There are so many characters, places and terms that it's extremely difficult to follow. You'll have to be really dedicated to get through this one.
This book is an excellent insight into both Jony Ive, and the design process at Apple. Full of fascinating anecdotes, this shares a lot about a truly interesting man and his work.
An excellent and inspiring read about the Internet, and the unprecedented opportunities it has, and should it remain free and open, and will continue to provide.
A must read for anyone interested in starting an online company, and I highly recommend for anyone who wants to better understand why “this Internet thing” is so amazing.
Has decent nuggets, but isn't very substantial
The book starts off with this kind of philosophical idea of “acting accordingly” but it doesn't hold throughout the chapters. The book feels too brief to offer any significant insights to reexamine one's life, though it feels like it tries really hard to. There are a few good nuggets to highlight, but beyond that there isn't much to this.
Exceptionally Informative, Also for Men
This book brings a lot of scientific fact to what I've observed in my own experience, in really easy to understand terms. Though the book is written for women, I believe that men with women partners can benefit from better understanding their sexuality. After all, as her partner I play a huge role in her sexual experience. This book gave me a lot to consider, and better sex for her means better sex for me. Now to get my girlfriend to read this!