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Andrii's Books by Status

224 Books

See all
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Essential Software Architecture
The Process of Software Architecting
Происхождение альтруизма и добродетели. От инстинктов к сотрудничеству
Квант. Эйнштейн, Бор и великий спор о природе реальности
Теория струн и скрытые измерения вселенной
Капеллан дьявола: размышления о надежде, лжи, науке и любви

Andrii's Most Popular Reviews

Really good book. Authors tried to explain complex things in a very easy manner. Some places here require math knowledge, but the overall explanation is great and deep enough

January 12, 2020

Excellent story. Great characters. Very accurate description of medieval times. I'm not very experienced in detective genre, but, as for me, it's a deep enough story that kept me in a permanent tension. It was awesome to travel with Mathew by pages of the Speaks of Nightbird

January 9, 2021
July 8, 2023
June 8, 2024

It is a very good story, interesting and original structure, pretty good and colourful language. Characters are well balanced and distinctive.
