Building Maintainable Software, Java Edition: Ten Guidelines for Future-Proof Code
Good enoough. Examples based on real systems are awesome. But most part of book are just reusing of Martin Fowler's “Refactoring...” which is more robust i guess. So for those who read “Refactoring” i can't strongly recommend it
История всего. 14 миллиардов лет космической эволюции
Really good book especially for such a non-scientific guy as I. Very easy language despite of describing a not very easy things. Neil is a definitely good writer and speaker. May be it would be not very interesting for the scientists, but i would recommend to read it
Excellent story. Great characters. Very accurate description of medieval times. I'm not very experienced in detective genre, but, as for me, it's a deep enough story that kept me in a permanent tension. It was awesome to travel with Mathew by pages of the Speaks of Nightbird
Very basic and is concentrated more on a business logic implementation. Not too much about blazor internals and nothing related to webassembly
Very good book with excellent level of details. Not too much complex, so could be helpful for beginners. Hands on experience with all modern frameworks/libraries in context of typescript is very appreciated
Very detailed, good explanation of a big refactorings management approaches. Slack real-case scenarios are more then appreciated. I recommend the book to everyone who is going to conduct refactorings of any scale
Дійсно самобутній твір. Трохи не мій стиль оповідання, можливо трохи перебільшені деякі події, але це дійсно цікава, гарно розказана історія про світ, людей, їх відносини і пошук кожної людини свого місця в світі. Твір однозначно вартий ознайомлення
Amazing book. It's simple and complex at the same time. A lot of philosophical questions were asked and answered here. The book everyone should read to start thinking about the place of humanity as well as every human being in this world
Imho only, but it's not the best sci fi i read. A lot of technical details that both real and not real at the same time. The aliens world looks good and interesting, but the idea behind is simple - we want your Earth. Characters are simple and straightforward, i had feeling that i require more complex behaviour from them. But from the perspective of physics details most readers will be impressed.
Sean Carroll is awesome as always. Excellent sense of humour, incredible level of explanation of all that complicated things. I love him more and more with every next book
It's really amazing part of the story. Solid, fascinating, thoughtful. Characters are great as we get used them to be. New turn of story began. Highly recommend. Thank you, Robert M. Wegner.
Really nice and interesting story, where good beats evil. Story about best men and women, even more - about real ladies and gentlemen, that unfortunately never exist in a real life
Amazing book. Easy to read and follow. A lot of interesting facts and different examples. Probably, one of the best book about evolution for novices. Strongly recommend for reading
Really good book. Authors tried to explain complex things in a very easy manner. Some places here require math knowledge, but the overall explanation is great and deep enough
Awesome book. Easy and detail descriptions about everything that is related to sleeping
Good enough and well detailed book on basics of designing distributed cloud-native applications. Well suited for newbies or those who hasn't tried developing of modern applications in cloud. But, probably skilled cloud-oriented developers will not find this book any useful for them
Awesome book. Awesome story. Of course, sometimes unclear, sometimes a bit boring and overextended. But still awesome. Thank you, Mr. Sapkowski, for great evenings when I was traveling with Geralt, Ciri, Yennefer and others.
It is a very good story, interesting and original structure, pretty good and colourful language. Characters are well balanced and distinctive.
It's amazing book. Dr. Henry Marsh is uncovering all about death and life, fear and hope with his unique skill of organising words into edifying life stories. I admire his stories - tragic and hopeful - at the same time. Recommend this to everyone who wants to see a bit different side of our everyday lives
Good and well explained ES 6 book. There are couple not covered enough topics. But in general the book could be recommended for junior/middle level developers
Досить своєрідне урбаністичне фентезі із історичним підґрунтям. Можливо не всім сподобається, але просто не може залишити байдужим. Сюжет затягує, герої цікаві і запам'ятовуються. Починаєш переживати за кожного, думати, як сюжет поведе їх далі. Як і в будь-якому творі, є певні нюанси, у яких не до кінця погоджуєшся з авторкою. Але особисто мені твір сподобався своєю самобутність - його точно не сплутаєш з іншим, залишає певний унікальний слід в пам'яті. І це, до речі, робить його дуже схожим на Дім Солі. Дякую, пані Світлано.