#3 | 5 | |
#4 | 0 | |
#5 | 5 | |
#6 | The Ages of Gaia The Ages of Gaia : A Biography of Our Living Earth
| 5 |
#8 | 4 | |
#9 | 5 | |
#10 | 4.25 | |
#12 | 0 | |
#13 | Dynamics, the Geometry of Behavior Dynamics, the Geometry of Behavior: Periodic Behavior
| 5 |
#14 | 5 | |
#16 | Schrödinger's Cat 1 Schrödinger's Cat 1: The Universe Next Door
| 4 |
#17 | Exo-psychology Exo-psychology: A manual on the use of the human nervous system according to the instructions of the manufacturers
| 5 |
#18 | 5 | |
#19 | 4 | |
#20 | 5 | |
#21 | 4 | |
#22 | 5 | |
#23 | 4.17 | |
#24 | The shaping of personality The shaping of personality: Conflict, choice, and growth
| 5 |
#25 | 5 | |
#26 | 5 | |
#27 | 3.68 | |
#28 | Chaos Chaos | 5 |
#29 | Space-Time and Beyond Space-Time and Beyond: Toward an Explanation of the Unexplainable
| 3 |
#30 | First Lessons in Philology First Lessons in Philology
| 5 |
#31 | 5 | |
#32 | 4 |