

Katie Morlock

Joined3 months ago




Katie Morlock's Books by Status

176 Books

See all
She’s My Dad!: A Story for Children Who Have a Transgender Parent or Relative
Los Angeles: People, Places, and the Castle on the Hill
Feedback That Works: How to Build and Deliver Your Message
Face of the Earth
Becoming Real
Free Radicals: The Secret Anarchy of Science
Woe Is I

Katie Morlock's Most Popular Reviews

After the snoozer of Ender in Exile I wasn't expecting this book to knock my socks off but wow, I really loved it! I'm going back and forth between 4 and 5 stars so I'd say it's a solid 4.5 but Ender's Game was a full 5.

December 12, 2015


September 19, 2015

Wow, what a thoroughly engaging book. I went from not surprised (who out there hasn't heard that L. Ron Hubbard had crazy ideas?) to shocked (the abuse!) to completely creeped out (the IRS stuff, Lisa McPherson, harassing critics).

December 29, 2012

This is one of my favorite books of all time.

January 1, 2003

Boring. It was so boring. Maybe because I read it immediately after Ender's Game, which I loved so much, but I'm not going to reread it to find out.

November 30, 2015