The only thing I didn't like about this book was that there aren't always images for the correct way to do something to balance out the images for common errors. Other than that, it's great!

December 30, 2018
November 26, 2019
April 29, 2023
September 21, 2014

This wasn't bad so much as boring.

October 11, 2017

After the snoozer of Ender in Exile I wasn't expecting this book to knock my socks off but wow, I really loved it! I'm going back and forth between 4 and 5 stars so I'd say it's a solid 4.5 but Ender's Game was a full 5.

December 12, 2015
January 10, 2013

What a melodramatic piece of tripe. I love Stephen King and his worlds but even the brief mentions of the Tower couldn't get me to care about these characters or the story.

September 25, 2014
September 21, 2024
February 3, 2023

Not sure it was worth powering through

I loved the other Bobiverse books. So fun, so interesting, so goofy. This one bored the crap out me until about three-quarters of the way through. Then it got better but, ultimately, maybe wasn't worth the time it took to read.

June 4, 2021
June 25, 2021
March 19, 2023

This is one of my favorite books of all time.

January 1, 2003

Fantastic. Excellent pacing - I didn't want to put it down!

December 16, 2023

Likable at times but, overall, boring. I did appreciate that the realities of academia were portrayed pretty well and the science was interesting (I have no idea how much is real though).

January 15, 2020

Has some interesting backstory...

...but holy crap was it slow to get going. I almost quit I was so bored, but I'm glad I persevered because I liked the backstory and there was the usual fun back-and-forth dialogue between characters.

December 30, 2018

Boring. It was so boring. Maybe because I read it immediately after Ender's Game, which I loved so much, but I'm not going to reread it to find out.

November 30, 2015

I liked this book way more than I thought I would. I haven't laughed out loud so much from a book in awhile, which, ok, might be because I tend to read a lot of dystopian sci fi, but it really was funny.

December 12, 2024


September 19, 2015
December 4, 2019

Spike on a spaceship with giant talking bugs? This is ridiculous. Sure, it's cool to see things from Spike's perspective but this was just too far from Buffy the TV show for me.

September 30, 2015

Fantastic. I laughed, I almost cried on the bus, my heart was broken. On top of a well written book that hits all the feels, the use of atypical text really worked well.

March 14, 2016

Wow, what a thoroughly engaging book. I went from not surprised (who out there hasn't heard that L. Ron Hubbard had crazy ideas?) to shocked (the abuse!) to completely creeped out (the IRS stuff, Lisa McPherson, harassing critics).

December 29, 2012

Once I finally got to the meat of the story (about halfway through the book), I liked the story. I hated all the goofy inside-joke words and phrases. I normally like a little of that but this was over the top. I hope I never read “smucked” or “smucking” one more fucking time in my life.

September 12, 2023