

1602: Witch Hunter Angela

#1-4 of 1 in 1602: Witch Hunter Angela

2016 • 6 Readers • 128 pages 4

Adventures of the Super Sons, Vol. 1: Action Detectives

#1-6 of 2 in Adventures of the Super Sons

2019 • 6 Readers 3

A-Force, Volume 1: Hypertime

#1 of 2 in A-Force (Collected Editions)

A-Force, Volume 1: Hypertime
ByKelly Thompson,Marguerite Bennett

2016 • 5 Readers • 144 pages 3.5

Cover 0

1 Reader

All-New, All-Different Avengers Vol. 1: The Magnificent Seven

#1 of 3 in All-New, All-Different Avengers (Collected Editions)

All-New, All-Different Avengers Vol. 1: The Magnificent Seven
ByG. Willow Wilson,Jeremy Whitley,+7 more

2015 • 6 Readers • 168 pages 4

All-New Ghost Rider, Vol. 1: Engines of Vengeance

1 Ghost Rider: Robbie Reyes by Felipe Smith

2014 • 6 Readers 4.5

Cover 3

9 Readers 3.8

Cover 5

All-New Wolverine, Vol. 2: Civil War II
ByTom Taylor, IG Guara,Jeff Youngquist

6 Readers 3.8

Cover 7

All-New Wolverine, Vol. 4: Immune
ByTom Taylor, Leonard Kirk

3 Readers 4

Cover 2

4 Readers 4.5

All-New Wolverine, Vol. 6: Old Woman Laura

All-New Wolverine (Collected Editions)

2018 • 4 Readers • 136 pages 4

Amazing Spider-Man: Edge of Spider-Verse

2015 • 2 Readers 5

Amazing Spider-Man Volume 3: Spider-Verse

#3 of 5 in The Amazing Spider-Man (2014) (Collected Editions)

2015 • 2 Readers • 168 pages


ByFiona Avery

1 Reader 3

A Red Tail's Dream

A Red Tail's Dream
ByMinna Sundberg

2011 • 608 pages


#1-9 of 1 in Avengers: The Children's Crusade

ByAllan Heinberg(Writer),Jim Cheung(Artist)

2012 • 8 Readers • 220 pages 3.8

Cover 1

Avengers: Disassembled
ByOlivier Coipel, Dick Ayers, Steve Epting, Pete Pantazis, Mike Perkins, Brian Michael Bendis, Bob Sharen, Albert Deschesne, Andy Tory, Mike Mayhew, Michael Avon Oeming, George Pérez, J.G. Jones, David W. Mack, Scott Kolins, Steve McNiven, Lee Weeks, Eric Powell, Alan Davis, Brian Reber, Gary Frank, John Byrne, Laura Martin, Alex Maleev, Michael Golden, Darick Robertson, Justin Ponsor, Kieron Dwyer, Brent Anderson, Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Neal Adams, Frank D'Armata, Mark Morales, Morry Hollowell, Jim Cheung, Danny Miki, David Finch

1 Reader 4

Batgirl, Vol. 1: Beyond Burnside

#1 of 2 in Batgirl (2016)

Batgirl, Vol. 1: Beyond Burnside
ByHope Larson(Writer),Raphael Albuquerque(Artist)

2017 • 7 Readers • 128 pages 3.6

Batgirl, Volume 1: Batgirl of Burnside

#6 of 8 in Batgirl (2011)

Batgirl, Volume 1: Batgirl of Burnside
ByCameron Stewart(Writer),Brenden Fletcher(Writer)

2015 • 16 Readers • 176 pages 3.6

Black Canary, Volume 1: Kicking and Screaming

#1 of 2 in Black Canary (2015)

Black Canary, Volume 1: Kicking and Screaming
ByBrenden Fletcher(Writer),Annie Wu(Illustrator)

2016 • 7 Readers • 168 pages 3.4

Black Panther

Black Panther
ByNnedi Okorafor,Andre Araujo

2018 • 4 Readers • 136 pages 3.5

Cover 2

#1-6 of 2 in Black Panther: Long Live the King

Black Panther: Long Live The King
ByNnedi Okorafor,Aaron Covington

2018 • 1 Reader • 137 pages 2

Black Panther: World of Wakanda

#1 of 2 in Black Panther: World of Wakanda

Black Panther: World of Wakanda
ByRoxane Gay(Writer),Yona Harvey(Writer)

2017 • 6 Readers • 144 pages

Cover 5

Black Widow: The Name of the Rose
ByNate Piekos, Marjorie Liu, Daniel Acuña

2 Readers

Captain Marvel, Vol. 1: Re-Entry

#1 of 1 in Captain Marvel (2019)

2019 • 9 Readers • 128 pages 2.4

Captain Marvel Vol. 1: Rise of Alpha Flight

#1 of 1 in Captain Marvel (2016) (Collected editions)

Captain Marvel Vol. 1: Rise of Alpha Flight
ByMichele Fazekas,Tara Butters

2016 • 7 Readers • 112 pages 3

Captain Marvel, Volume 1: In Pursuit of Flight

#1 of 3 in Captain Marvel (2012) (Collected Editions)

Captain Marvel, Volume 1: In Pursuit of Flight
ByKelly Sue DeConnick(Writer),Dexter Soy(Illustrations)

2013 • 22 Readers • 136 pages 3.6

Cover 2

1 Reader 3

Civil War

#1 of 3 in Civil War (2006)

Civil War
ByMark Millar(Writer),Steve McNiven(Penciller)

2006 • 116 Readers • 211 pages 3.7

Civil War Tome 5: Choisir son camp

#5 of 5 in Civil War: A Marvel Comics Event

Civil War Tome 5: Choisir son camp
ByZeb Wells,Stefano Caselli,+1 more

12 Readers • 296 pages 3.7

Cover 4

Daredevil: The Man Without Fear
ByFrank Miller, John Romita Jr.

Cover 2

Dark Reign: Young Avengers
ByPaul Cornell, Mark Brooks

1 Reader

Deadpool 1: The Ones With Deadpool

#Annual #1-2, Bi-Annual of 14 in Deadpool (2012) (Single Issues)

2015 • 1 Reader

Deadpool by Daniel Way: The Complete Collection, Volume 1

#1-2.5 of 3 in Deadpool (2008) (Collected Editions)

Deadpool by Daniel Way: The Complete Collection, Volume 1
ByDaniel Way(Writer),Andy Diggle(Writer)

2013 • 5 Readers 3.8

Deadpool by Daniel Way: The Complete Collection, Volume 2

#3-6 of 3 in Deadpool (2008) (Collected Editions)

Deadpool by Daniel Way: The Complete Collection, Volume 2
ByDaniel Way(Writer),Shawn Crystal(Illustrator)

2013 • 2 Readers 4.5

Deadpool & Cable

Deadpool & Cable
ByFabian Nicieza

2016 • 4 Readers • 112 pages 4

Deadpool Classic

#1 of 3 in Deadpool Classic

Deadpool Classic
ByFabian Nicieza,Rob Liefeld

2012 • 18 Readers • 242 pages 3.5

Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe

#1 of 3 in Deadpool Killogy

Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe
ByCullen Bunn,Dalibor Talajić(Radu Nițescu)

2011 • 37 Readers • 108 pages 3

Deadpool, Vol. 4: Deadpool vs. S.H.I.E.L.D.

2 Deadpool (2012) (Collected Editions)

2014 • 6 Readers 4.5

Deadpool, Volume 1: Dead Presidents

#1 of 4 in Deadpool by Posehn & Duggan

Deadpool, Volume 1: Dead Presidents
ByBrian Posehn(Writer),Tony Moore(Illustrations)

2014 • 27 Readers • 136 pages 3.5

Deadpool, Volume 3: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

#3 of 4 in Deadpool by Posehn & Duggan

2013 • 9 Readers • 162 pages 4.3

Deadpool, Volume 5: The Wedding of Deadpool

#26-28, Annual #1 of 14 in Deadpool (2012) (Single Issues)

Deadpool, Volume 5: The Wedding of Deadpool
ByGerry Duggan,Mark Waid,+3 more

2014 • 6 Readers 3.5

Deadpool, Volume 6: Original Sin

4 Deadpool by Posehn & Duggan

2014 • 5 Readers 3

Cover 0

#7 of 4 in Deadpool by Posehn & Duggan

Deadpool, Volume 7: AXIS
ByBrian Posehn(Writer),Gerry Duggan(Illustrations)

2015 • 4 Readers • 136 pages 3

Deadpool, Volume 8: All Good Things…

4 Deadpool by Posehn & Duggan

2015 • 5 Readers 3

Doom Patrol by Gerard Way TP Vol 1

#1 of 1 in Doom Patrol (2016)

Doom Patrol by Gerard Way TP Vol 1
ByGerard Way(Writer),Nick Derington(Artist)

2017 • 14 Readers • 176 pages 3.6


#1 of 3 in Faith

ByJody Houser

2016 • 15 Readers • 112 pages 3.9

Fallen Son

#6.5 of 17 in Captain America (2004) (Collected Editions)

Fallen Son
ByJeph Loeb,John Cassaday,+1 more

2007 • 13 Readers • 128 pages 4

Cover 3

Far Sector #1
ByN.K. Jemisin

3 Readers

Cover 0

1 Reader 3

Fear Itself

#1 of 5 in Journey Into Mystery (2011) (Collected Editions)

Fear Itself
ByKieron Gillen

2011 • 11 Readers • 144 pages 4


BySeanan McGuire

2020 • 1 Reader • 112 pages

Ghost-Spider, Vol. 1: Dog Days Are Over

#1 of 1 in Ghost-Spider

2020 • 7 Readers 3

Gotham Academy — Second Semester, Vol. 2: The Ballad of Olive Silverlock

#2 of 3 in Gotham Academy: Second Semester

2017 • 3 Readers • 128 pages 2.7

Cover 2

Gotham Academy: Second Semester, Volume 1: Welcome Back
ByBrenden Fletcher,Becky Cloonan,+2 more

1 Reader 3

Gotham Academy, Volume 1: Welcome to Gotham Academy

#1 of 3 in Gotham Academy

Gotham Academy, Volume 1: Welcome to Gotham Academy
ByBecky Cloonan(Writer),Brenden Fletcher(Writer)

2015 • 21 Readers • 160 pages 3.6

Cover 7

#2 of 3 in Gotham Academy

Gotham Academy. Volume 2, Calamity
ByBecky Cloonan(Writer),Brenden Fletcher(Writer)

2016 • 8 Readers • 144 pages 3.8

Gotham Academy, Volume 3: Yearbook

#3 of 3 in Gotham Academy

Gotham Academy, Volume 3: Yearbook
ByBrenden Fletcher(Writer),Adam Archer(Illustrator)

2016 • 3 Readers • 176 pages 2.5

Gotham City Sirens, Vol. 1: Union

#7 of 4 in Le Meilleur de DC Comics - Spécial vilains 2021

Gotham City Sirens, Vol. 1: Union
ByPaul Dini(Writer),Guillem March(Illustrator)

2009 • 9 Readers • 176 pages 3.3


#5 of 5 in Spider-Gwen (Collected Editions)

ByJason Latour

2018 • 6 Readers • 112 pages 3

Harley Quinn: Breaking Glass

DC Graphic Novels for Young Adults (formerly DC Ink)

2019 • 27 Readers • 196 pages 4.1


#1 of 4 in Hawkeye: Kate Bishop

ByKelly Thompson(Writer),Leonardo Romero(Artist)

2017 • 17 Readers • 136 pages 4.4

Hawkeye 04: Rio Bravo (Marvel Now)

7 Readers 3.4

Hawkeye, Volume 1: My Life as a Weapon

#1 of 3 in Hawkeye (2012-2016) (Collected Editions)

Hawkeye, Volume 1: My Life as a Weapon
ByMatt Fraction(Writer),David Aja(Artist, #1-3)

2013 • 131 Readers • 136 pages 4.2

Hawkeye, Volume 2: Little Hits

#2 of 3 in Hawkeye (2012-2016) (Collected Editions)

Hawkeye, Volume 2: Little Hits
ByMatt Fraction(Writer),David Aja(Artist, #6 & #8-11)

2013 • 73 Readers • 136 pages 4.2

Hawkeye Volume 3

#3 of 3 in Hawkeye (2012-2016) (Collected Editions)

Hawkeye Volume 3
ByAnnie Wu(Artist),David Aja(Cover Art)

2014 • 49 Readers • 120 pages 4.1

Hawkeye, Volume 5: All-New Hawkeye

3 Hawkeye (2012-2016) (Collected Editions)

Hawkeye, Volume 5: All-New Hawkeye
ByJeff Lemire(Writer),Ramón Pérez(Artist)

2015 • 14 Readers 3.5

House of M

House of M (Collected Editions)

House of M
ByBrian Michael Bendis

2006 • 83 Readers • 224 pages 3.7

Invincible Iron Man

3 Invincible Iron Man (2016) (Collected Editions)

Invincible Iron Man
ByBrian Michael Bendis

2018 • 8 Readers • 131 pages 4.3

Cover 7

1 Reader 4

Cover 0

Journey Into Mystery, Vol. 2: Fear Itself Fallout
ByRichard Elson, Pasqual Ferry, Robert Rodi, Kieron Gillen, Whilce Portacio

1 Reader


#1 of 1 in lost comic

ByRob Cham

2015 • 114 pages

Cover 4

#1-5 of 1 in Loki (2019)

ByDaniel Kibblesmith

2020 • 10 Readers • 128 pages 3.8

Loki: Agent of Asgard, Vol. 2: I Cannot Tell a Lie

#6 of 3 in Loki: Agent of Asgard

2021 • 18 Readers • 504 pages 3.6

Loki: Agent of Asgard, Vol. 3: Last Days

#12-17 of 3 in Loki: Agent of Asgard

2015 • 4 Readers • 124 pages 4

Magnificent Ms. Marvel, Vol. 3: Outlawed

#13-18 of 2 in Magnificent Ms. Marvel (Single Issues)

2021 • 4 Readers 2.7

Cover 2

Marvel's Jessica Jones
ByBrian Michael Bendis, Michael Gaydos

2 Readers 4

Miles Morales, Vol. 1: Straight Out of Brooklyn

#1 of 1 in Miles Morales (Collected Editions)

2019 • 9 Readers • 136 pages 3.3

Mockingbird Vol. 1: I Can Explain

#1 of 2 in Mockingbird (2016)

2016 • 13 Readers • 136 pages 4.1


#5-8 of 14 in Moomin Comic Strip

ByTove Jansson

1977 • 10 Readers • 84 pages 4.3

Moomin: The Complete Tove Jansson Comic Strip, Vol. 3

#9-13 of 14 in Moomin Comic Strip

1978 • 2 Readers

Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur

#1 of 4 in Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur

Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur
ByBrandon Montclare,Amy Reeder

2016 • 24 Readers • 136 pages 3.9

Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, Vol. 2

#2 of 2 in Moon Girl And Devil Dinosaur

2016 • 9 Readers • 149 pages 3.8

Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, Vol. 3

#3 of 2 in Moon Girl And Devil Dinosaur

2017 • 8 Readers • 145 pages 3.8

Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, Vol. 4: Girl-Moon

#4 of 4 in Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur

Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, Vol. 4: Girl-Moon
ByNatacha Bustos(Illustrations),Brandon Montclare(Text)

2018 • 4 Readers • 136 pages 4

Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, Vol. 5: Fantastic Three

4 Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur

Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, Vol. 5: Fantastic Three
ByBrandon Montclare(Contributor),Natacha Bustos(Illustrator)

2018 • 1 Reader 4

Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, Vol. 6: Save Our School

4 Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur

2018 • 1 Reader 4