

Luke Estrada

Joined2 years ago



Location:Miami, FL

Luke Estrada's Books by Status

39 Books

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The Feminine Mystique
Fever Pitch
How to Brew
The Signal and the Noise: Why So Many Predictions Fail - But Some Don't
Infinite Jest
Salt: A World History
Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance

Luke Estrada's Most Popular Reviews

The best books, paintings, movies, really any work of art, for me, is when the artist makes it feel like the secret of their creativity is just there for the taking. It makes me want to write and create too.

I loved this book and its meditation on love and friendship and art and holy days.

August 9, 2022

I really can't believe this book. I need like a million copies so that everyone in my life can read it. Hot take: love is a force for good?


Pre-Star Wars sci-fi has a nobler feeling than more contemporary stuff even if it drags a little more. Nobody in this book is trying to be a version of Han Solo and that's a good thing. Le Guin rules


As a book it's nothing to write home about, but as a jumping off point for a new digital worldview it's very compelling. I can't wait til I can get rid of my iPhone


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