He's got some good advice but seems to talk about himself a little too much. He is never shown in any sort of negative or bad light and seems to mention his accomplishments almost every chapter.

However, I enjoyed the actual advice and quotes. You could sum this up in about 10 pages.

January 15, 2020

Read time: 3:30
Very different from the movie but quite enjoyable. Good little easy fluffy read that has some suspense. Climax fell a little flat, but not terribly so. I'm quite glad I read the book before the movie.

September 23, 2020

It feels unfinished. It was setting up something grand it just feels like the author ran out of time or steam.

January 19, 2020
March 7, 2021
July 14, 2023

I love this book. Everything about it is beautiful

March 16, 2020
October 31, 2020

Who is this book for? It assumes a deep technical understanding and explains really basic things at random times. Like we've already talked about monoliths why is there a several page description of what they are six chapters in.

January 10, 2022

I feel like this book gave me perspective. It was a enjoyable book with an interesting premise. Is it deep and insightful? No. But it is structured well and good enough that you can find deep and insightful things yourself.

March 10, 2021
March 8, 2020
January 12, 2020
August 5, 2020

I loved the book, the series is amazing. But the ending! Ah the ending was a travesty. I needed ten chapters more or ten chapters less.

April 21, 2020

This one is definitely worth getting the audiobook. I usually don't like audiobooks since they're so slow compared to reading. But the way he read it made it funnier and more enjoyable

June 21, 2021
May 5, 2020
February 19, 2020
February 22, 2020
October 8, 2020

She's good at quipy one liner sound bites and there's some decent advice here and there. But lots of repeating herself and presenting what other people have said as her own ideas

March 23, 2020

This isn't a history book, it's a story. There's clear heroes and villains. Despite it hinting that people are complex, no one is ever shown as something other than entirely bad or entirely good.

November 6, 2020

It reads like a self help book for businesses. Too much repetition, too much self aggrandizement, and generic hand wavy way of describing how to actually implement it. They present data with very little description of where it came from and they just expect you to believe them

August 2, 2020

Does it follow a similar format to the first one? Yes. Did I enjoy it more than the first one? Yes.

The combat is quite well written and while there were some slower beats, overall the book was fantastic. Will definitely be reading the third

July 4, 2023

So many things. Flimsy characters. Huge plot holes. The authors idea of futurist technology is laughable. It was written in 2014 and the author presented the future as voice activated with automatic doors like an episode of star trek. The Amazon echo came out in 2014.

April 13, 2021