Toda una experiencia emocional. Una situación triste la de la protagonista que hace que ponga en perspectiva diferentes situaciones de mi propia vida y que estás palidezcan en comparación.
La vida cambia de un momento a otro y este cambio nos puede perseguir para siempre. Queda estar atento e intentar hacer lo mejor que podamos, además de saborear esos momentos tan llenos de paz y plenitud que solo pueden considerarse como felicidad.
Me pareció un buen libro, bastante bello en su escritura y con ciertas ideas o lecciones muy valiosas.
Sin embargo, a mi parecer, está muy rebuscado en su intento por impactar la vida del lector, valiendose de herramientas que rayan en lo cliché y que sinceramente no conectaron tanto conmigo.
Creo que si bien nos podemos llevar ciertos pasajes, se quedó corto en cuanto a historia se refiere. Lo recomendaría solo a audiencias jóvenes, ya que sí creo que puede impulsar la lectura y eso siempre es algo positivo.
Libro breve que se lee de manera muy rápida. Todo mexicano podrá identificarse con incontables aspectos de esta obra, desde la forma en que los personajes se expresan, sus hábitos diarios, locaciones de la ciudad de México y demás. Esto lo hace particularmente entretenido e interesante.
La historia me pareció bastante buena, aunque un poco llena de clichés que se pueden observar en ya muchas otras obras mexicanas. El contexto en el cual se desarrolla la historia es lo que la eleva de manera considerable, ya que podemos percatarnos de situaciones sociales, económicas y hasta politícas que explican cómo hemos llegado a ser cómo somos, y las influencias de otras culturas en la nuestra.
Una lectura indispensable para todo mexicano. Un ensayo que toca diversas áreas que constituyen el núcleo de nuestra cultura y sociedad.
Me parece importante que se deje de ver como una lectura escolar, ya que al estudiante promedio el lenguaje utilizado lo aburrirá y alejará por completo. Pero cuando se lee de manera voluntaria y con el deseo de comprender más a fondo lo que somos como nación, se convierte en una gran experiencia. Es interesantísimo leer los pasajes de nuestra historia y llegar a comprender los porqués de lo que vivimos día a día como mexicanos.
Sin duda se mantiene vigente y lo seguirá haciendo en los años futuros.
Amazing book that makes understanding one's mind a lot easier. Using various metaphors that are simple and funny, this book touches on many topics that we sometimes don't even realize are happening in our brain.
It felt like a pat in the back and made me feel that all that chaos and dark thouhgts I sometimes have, are totally normal and it's important to take the time to analize them and not pretend they don't exist.
I definetely think I will read this book again in the future and I'm excited to see the progess I can make, and the clarity I can find while using the tools presented here.
Quick, interesting and fun read that I'd recommend to pretty much everyone that is not so versed in the topic and just needs to find a way to start caring about their mental health.
Although I didn't agree with some parts of the book, I'd even say it was most of it, I took away certain things from it and that's why it's slightly above average.
For it being as controversial as it is I must admit that I was able to relate to an extent when it depicted scenarios that are commonly lived by someone born in a man's body and the type of energy that brings to one, and I found useful how the author explains ways in which we can learn to “handle” them. Pretty much learn to live within ourselves.
However, I believe the author also exposes some basic and rather sexist mindset. I just couldn't help but wince at some passages in the book that for lack of a better description, just put men above women, as the superior being of the two. The passages that touch the topic of sex specifically emphasize this.
Overall, just not a lot of useful stuff from this one.
Quick little read to remind one why books hold such a special place in life. The ilustration style is adorable and since it doesn't have a story to follow, it's a great book to get out of a reading slump quickly.
I enjoyed this book a lot when I read it. I don't think I was scared per se, but there are many elements that made me wanting to keep going until I got to the end.
I have to say I'm not sure if this was the best introduction for me to Stephen King, so I will probably revisit it in the future once I've read more of his work.
It doesn't get a better rating simply because I felt it was a little too long, with some passages not as crucial to the story as others, plus when I read this, it was one of the first books in English I ever read, which led to not feeling as comfortable throughout my read as I could've been.
I had big expectations for this book, with it being set during the war. The elements are there. A blind little girl who lives with her father, being forced to fleece when the nazis invade their city. A young German boy whose gift is to work with electronics, and that's the use the nazis give him.
I expected way more of their encounter but it felt very underwhelming. Also the language throughout felt very PG-13 for a book set during the war.
The way it's written never captivated me and it took me months to finish.
Fantastic book. It educated me on a topic like Apartheid, which I was not familiar with. It was well written and I was moved by the story.
Knowing that the context in which Trevor grew up is as recent as it is, just lets me know how different the world can be from country to country, as well as makes me appreciate more what I have had in my existence.
I would absolutely recommend it to most people.
It's a non fiction book that follows the lives of a bunch of high schoolers in their hunt and hustle to get to the colleges they want to be in at the same time as it provides inside in the American education system and all the corruption and weak areas it has.
While some of the stories were interesting and I could relate to some extent to them, the book overall felt very repetitive and not that enjoyable to me.
Really great read that describes many injustices inside the American judicial system and the fight of the author, a lawyer who litigates cases of people on death row.
There are a ton of cases that successfully got to me and made me sad and angry at the people involved. It's disheartening to learn just how corrupted, racist and ignorant this society can be.
The way it is told keeps the reader hooked and wanting to get to the end of things. Just a very good book.
This book was amazing. It accomplished something that very few books can: to change my mindset in a complete 180. In my life I haven't truly had the need to engage with older people on a daily basis, but I know that's going to invariably change, and I feel like this book kind of prepared me for those coming times.
It gave me a new outlook on the importance of taking care of our elders, provided me with facts that show just how little we tend to them and how big of a taboo it is in our current societies.
Super important read that I would recommend to anyone over the age of 20.
Fantastic story. I loved everything about the book. From the characters, being so diverse but at the same time so likable, the plot, which gave me the chills just to think of how it'd be to be out there alone on Mars. The way it was written, both the logs from Watney that conveyed his reasonings, thoughts and emotions, and the passages that were focused on what was happening on earth and on the spaceship with the rest of the crew.
Start, middle part and ending, this one was a freaking blast. The only thing that prevents it from being a five-star read in my opinion, is that it was so scientifically fluent and savvy that for me, having little to no knowledge on those topics, it was hard to follow and understand at times.
On a side note: This book will forever be special to me, since it was the first book I ever read on my Kindle, which has truly changed my life when it comes to reading and altogether. That alone gives this one a high spot in my heart.
Just a fantastic book overall. There's something about the way Sherlock's stories are presented that keep me on the edge of my seat every time. This being the introduction to our protagonists, is an amazing start.
The first half of the book, focused entirely on Sherlock and Dr Watson, from how they get to be roommates to how they get involved in the mystery of Drebber's assassination, is just perfect.
I didn't love the pages set in Utah on the love feud between Jefferson Hope, Stangerson and the aforementioned Drebber as much as I did the ones set in England and that actually included Sherlock and Dr Watson in them.
Even though I understand the huge importance of that part of the story, they're simply not as good as the rest and I would've preferred it if it were shorter and overall, we had a bigger part set in England. And because almost half of the story tells said love feud, I don't give this book five stars.
It's an interesting read at times, but during some passages it failed to get my attention because of all the detail the author goes into, which sometimes I felt as unnecessary. It does however, accomplish to be more than just a story about a pedophlile, allowing the reader to dig deep into the mind of Humbert and see his reasoning behind everything.
Maybe his malicious act arose more from selfishness and being more delusional than bad per se.
Personally, this read was very impactful and inspiring. Learning about how someone who had it way worse than I did, at least on paper, was able to overcome all those obstacles was encouraging to say the least. I've been kind of a loner for some time and it's good to learn about someone who despite being on her own, ended up coming out of it with a victory and an amazing story to tell.
You can tell the toll it takes on someone to be raised in such a manner. In a very personal manner, this book increased my despise for religion when it is imposed and when there seems to be no cure to the ignorance that certain precepts of it imply. I also loved the way the topic of family is portrayed and could not agree more with the fact that we sanctify it and put it on a pedestal. That should not be the case.
Seek knowledge and dispose of everything and everyone who is setting you back, regardless of who they are and the title they possess in your life.
I just couldn't do it. I had to skim through most of the book because otherwise it was gonna take me years to finish it.
Annoying, dry and dull writing. If it was indeed written by a girl then it reflects just that aspect of childhood in that they complain all the time and believe no one understands them.
I'm aware the subject and context of this book are grim and serious, but it just felt boring to the core. Simply not for me.
This book provides a good avenue into the life of one of the most famous and important athletes of all time. To his mentality and approach towards life. It's revealing to read about the determination successful people can have, and I leave this book with a refreshed and inspired mindset. I've always been competitive and Kobe is the epitome of where that mindset can take you.
I couldn't help but feel though, that the book was just missing something, some more punch to it. Even for me, being a huge fan of Kobe the athlete and the person. However, I really liked reading Pau's words and watching all the great pictures throughout the book.
A very enjoyable read for me.
Mamba forever.
Fue mi incursión a Kafka y verdaderamente fue una lectura bastante agradable.
A través de diversos cuentos, en los que la trama central está basada en animales e insectos, Kafka expresa metafóricamente aspectos que son totalmente humanos. En lo personal esto los hace más digeribles y fáciles de reflexionar.
Como con todo libro de cuentos, no todos mantienen el mismo nivel, de ahí que la calificación global del libro no sea la mejor, pero La Metamorfosis me pareció fascinante. Una trama inquietante y estresante en la que se deja ver de forma clara quién era Kafka, sus problemas, molestias e inquietudes.
I really liked this book. As with every Sherlock story, the writing is incredible and soothing in a way that very few other books accomplish.
I was loving every bit of the story up until they went after the launch, it seemed to hit a bump on the road and it only went back up again when they had finally captured Small.
I would rank this slightly lower than A Study in Scarlet, but still a great entry in the Sherlock universe.
Out of the three novels I've read so far I'd rank this one last. In my opinion it was slower paced and didn't have the same intrigue as the previous two.
I would highlight that in the beginning there was the whole midterm of wether or not the whole ordeal was supernatural or not and that provided a twist that wasn't in the other entries.
However I didn't feel as engaged as I did in the other stories and the characters weren't as endearing aside from Sir Henry Baskerville and a little bit Mrs Stapleton.
Es una buena manera de aprender un poco sobre la historia de México, a la vez que se ríe. Aunque no debería tomarse como referencia, simplemente pinta un panorama muy general de acontecimientos relevantes de nuestro pasado. Cumple su objetivo de presentar de forma cómica dichos acontecimientos.
Lo considero adecuado una vez que ya se ha leído y se cuenta con los conocimientos históricos aquí abarcados, de manera que solo se vea como una pieza cómica y no factual.
Uno de mis libros de cuentos favoritos. El título resume de manera perfecta de lo que va el libro, siendo una colección de historias para todo aquel que no disfrute de los “finales felices”.
Mis cuentos favoritos fueron La gallina degollada, El almohadón de pluma, El alambre de púa y El solitario.
Por cuentos como estos, la calificación del libro sería perfecta, sin embargo he de reconocer que no todos los cuentos en esta colección mantienen el nivel de estos exponentes, y es por eso que no le doy las 5 estrellas. Aún así me parece un libro bastante recomendable, fácil de leer y gran representante de la literatura sudamericana.
A pesar de ser un libro bastante antiguo, no podría estar más vigente en nuestras sociedades actuales. Un libro que toda persona debe leer, y que nos ayuda a comprender de manera más extensa y particular, cómo es que los líderes del mundo, tanto famosos como infames, operan y piensan, siempre teniendo en la mente el fin al que se desea llegar. Dicho fin en la mayoría de casos es el poder.
Para muchas personas podrá parecer crudo o cruel, ya que a lo largo del libro se enfatizan diferentes ideas alrededor de que “El fin justifica los medios”. Sin embargo, considero que es una lectura indispensable para poder decirse un individuo con los ojos abiertos. No se debe de ver como un libro malvado, sino como una guía bastante precisa hacia la comprension de los gobiernos y autoridades humanas.