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92 books

What's your favorite scifi or fantasy with a strong sense of place?

I'm interested in new genre books where the setting is almost like a character. I'm especially interested in books that also have a strong plot. For me, the prime example is "Finch" by Jeff vander...


Featured Prompt

92 books

Need some shorter page turners to finish out my 52 book goal!

I'm at 42/52 and I'm trying to really make a push to finish the year! I have a few longer books (18–25 hours audiobook) lined up, so I want some shorter and easier ones to fill out the list. I tend...

We Have Always Lived in the Castle
Of Mice and Men
All Systems Red

Featured Prompt

55 books

What are your favorite book recommendations for new readers?

New readers often struggle to find books that they connect with. It often takes exploring different genres and writing styles from a many points of views to understand your own tastes. If you've ma...

The Lightning Thief