Ugh. Where do I even start. Yes, the premise of the book is very promising. But the prose is so poorly written. It's as if the author just kept filling up her word count for the day. Also, there are many plot holes. I can accept flawed characters, but the MC couldn't get any more generic and clich??. I tried to give it time to see if it improves but no it just the same over and over. I really wanted this to work for me but unfortunately it didn't.
Another great one from the master story teller. Didn't failed to amaze us with his page turner. Excellent.
Well, I cant write a review in few words on this book. Its an outstanding one. I dont think most readers will find it understanding. Its more of a spiritual world. Want to re-read some day!
One for the shelves of my home. This was a lovely lovely warm read like a cup of cofee on a damp evening. So much joy and so much love pouring out. No book made me feel this way in a really long time. This book is going to stay with me for a very long time. Wonderfull read!!