January 24, 2013

A nice, entertaining read. I'm a sucker for underwater action and this book delivered that in spades with some solid character work thrown in to boot.

August 21, 2012


Came to The Wake to introduce myself to Snyder's work, as I thought a shorter horror volume would be a good entry point. But Sean Murphy's art is what really blew me away. Couldn't quite get on board with the ending, but overall it was a solid way to spend a couple of smaller reading sessions.

October 13, 2016

Book League selection that I enjoyed more than I thought I was going to.

June 7, 2017
December 30, 2012
August 8, 2013

Maybe I'm just drinking Mother Culture's kool aid, but reading this book felt like I was at a party and listening to the slightly stoned and drunk guy who is holding court and telling everyone how it is and how it should be.

June 4, 2016

I liked this book more than the first entry in the series. Kind of disappointed with cliffhanger ending though, I don't like that trick in books and don't think it carries over well from television and film. I am definitely interested in reading the third in the series now.

March 3, 2011
November 9, 2013

A pretty great action/adventure/special forces romp that fit the bill for exactly what I was looking for when I picked it up. I see myself coming back to this series again.

February 16, 2013

Not my usual genre or type of book, but I dug it quite a bit. I'd come back to the series and check up on the characters that I really did grow pretty attached to in future installments.

October 31, 2016
January 20, 2013