Not all books are the same. An obvious obviousness, yet we come to our reads with expectations, expectations not always conscious. Most novels conform in some way to hose pre-formatted conceptions. But every now and we encounter those which exist other to such anticipations, rewarding us with participations not expected, which grace us with an ineffable, and well perhaps even unfathomable, More.
Unfathomable is such a read. On the surface, a simple story, but, the but is rewarding, and most enjoyable.
The most intriguing quality of Unfathomable is its Realness. All through my immersion I not only felt right there with the Laurence, deeply familiar with her story, not as a tale being told, but a memory I'm privileged to share. Throughout my participation, I consistently refused to let go of the conviction I'm hearing an actual real-life circumstance unfold as it happens. A most remarkable perception, one I still have.
I came to be Facebook friends with the author shortly my reading, which, through peculiar Force-of-Circumstance, I came to read slower than I ordinarily would, allowing ample time to become good friends. And amazingly, I'm assured there's nothing but imagination to the book. Fascinating, I can't shake my conviction of real, despite the assurances.
Wild ideas stick easily to wild people, like burs to woolly sheep, but there they tend to stay, stuck in the fluff. Sensible individuals are more circumspect when it comes to the unconventional, knowing the radial tends to be a waste of precious time. How then does the discerning author convey such realities? Gently, slowly, with care, and exquisite ease. Rose is indeed like the Moon is this friendly reflection of power. Indirectly, calmly, but nonetheless influential, much like the quiet power of our lunar muse.
We thus encounter the profound almost without realising it's significance. The comprehension is unfolded within our awareness and its extension of our world is accepted without strain. An excellent accomplishment and Gift-of-Conception.
“Go gently into the glowing of the light...” comes to mind. Unfathomable is a Journey where the Journey is the Joy, the joy of sharing a recognisable way-of-living and its value, its excellence without needing to be spectacular, unusual or unremoved from the realness we all possess. This is the excellent Gift of Unfathomable. We come to enjoy a life which we realise we too could live with a few shifts of perspective and modifications of sensibility.
From the outset, we know Unfathomable has an ending, even from the back cover inplication, but, as we read, we have no idea how. and when it comes, the delight is real, we're moved, we're left with a deep feeling of satisfaction, a state of Resolution not easy to achieve, yes Rose has accomplished this with Unfathomable, leaving us complete, yet still connected to that mystique of the More lingering deliciously as a dear companion returned from long absence.
As a boy, I was deeply into sailing, racing specifically. I consumed every available book on sailing available to me at the time, especially racing, I could find. Of all of them, one stood out, this one. (The original edition) I found it near the end of the time I was sailing, and it included everything the other books lacked. I was by then an accomplished enough sailor to be able to fully appreciate the book's expertise. An amazing manual of excellence then, and should still be. What made it especially excellent were the levels of discernment and sophistication involved and how their communication. It's always a joy to hear a true expert on a subject. Of the thousands and thousands of books I read as a youth, few stand out as memorable, this is one of them.
I'm fascinated by how an author's Intent and Self-Belief permeates their writing. Intent beyond the scope of the writing content. An author's personal beliefs relating to value-of-product, the larger deeper frame-of-perspective and connection to what they're undertaking, their deeper beliefs of purpose and justification. Traitor is an enjoyable read, well written, better written than the overall impression conveys, a good story on a great topic, and yet...
All through the book, I enjoyed, but felt constantly a missing, an abscence of a something. The various elements for a great book are present, yet such levels aren't attained. Why? Technically, the book ought be more, as the story is not only enjoyable, but memorable, even impactful, a tale which affects us and leaves us changed, but, but this does not happen. For no good reason readily perceived. Why?
My read happened to be spread out over a number of weeks, thus opportunity to ponder these ineffable missing elements was ample.
I felt the book was missing soul. A peculiar perception for a thriller one might say. Perhaps it's simply my perception of a seriousness of intent and belief in the work which isn't forthcoming from the author. I puzzled over what the writer might have added to leverage his work, to add the essential salt of fullness to an otherwise fine recipe. Only when I came to the author's note at the very end did this mystery of writing resolve.
The author right near apologised for his book, his story, his efforts, expressing as a disclaimer how the rationale for the book was a personal perception of the importance of certain issues. In addition he communicated a lack of confidence in his own work, a not-believing in its excellence. He also, despite specifically stating how the overall topic was one of importance, did not seem to feel his efforts had much by way of serious affect for the reader. (Yes, grammar checker, I mean affect.)
To me, that missing element throughout the work, which could have elevated this book to truly excellent, is the overall underlying lack of belief of the author in his endeavours. All the work is done, all the efforts of craft are present, all the elements of good story are presented, but that key ingredient of the author's deep energy of belief and intent as to the excellence of their work is missing. The author does not seem to feel their product is justified as a book.
The author's note is an attempt as such a justification. If the reason for the story's existence has to be explained it's not in the story. If not in the story, it's not in the author. A powerful reminder to me how our entire being, and the More-of-Us, affects what we do. If we're not fully ‘into' our efforts, we dilute them. Modesty and Humility have to be balanced by Belief-of-Self, which, along with Impeccability-of-Effort, make for Excellence.
A fun read, more so for me because I used to play golf with the author. A most interesting guy, pity I lost touch with him. Intrigued me the book, as I connected with a much deeper person than the book might indicate. Would love to connect with Marc again.
A most excellent book. Connie brings a fresh and profound perspective shift on dealing with anxiety and transforming it into spirituality. A most excellent approach which is deeply useful and valuable. Enjoyable and fun, yet deals with the real issues at hand, but in a way that's easy to manage and relatable. Connie knows her subject intimately as well as those who deal with it and how exactly to go about remedying matters. A great read.
I had shared the book with a client who has dealt with anxiety all their life, I asked them to copy-paste from the book what they found useful and valuable. They ended up copy-pasting 90% of the book, so powerful was it for them. A most revealing testimonial.
<3 :)
Some stories take us by surprise. We start, we read, we develop an idea in the early going, but, as we progress, more comes, and we find ourselves entranced by a life and lifestyle we've heard about, perhaps crossed, but not known intimately, and then we're truly hooked.
Thing is, most stories tend to be about the dramatic, the ultra unusual, those which were radical or deeply significant, but we forget the fabric of life, that which is truly important, is made up of people we know, people whose lives have not been ordinary, yet are not the lives of fiction either. Real, and thus fascinating. We come to know that realness-of-being, and precisely because it's such a real tale, we get to add to our database of human experience. A most valuable insight and knowledge, especially if such lifestyles do not overlap with our own.
Besides this insight into mindsets, attitudes, mores, philosophies, and perspectives not perhaps our own, this sharing acquaints us with a now near-mythical time. The author may not resemble a unicorn, but he's certainly a denizen from another era. Those who remember will feel the tang of nostalgia, or perhaps taste its Tang. If not familiar with that bygone day, a look from inside its detail is illuminating, not to mention fun. Sharing another's life-journey is always a privilege, and when shared with heart, a joy.
A most excellent book. Jimmie reveals the hidden wonders of the Verde Valley. As a local resident I can attest to how we miss most of what Jimmie so marvellously showcases in his marvellous book. A treat, beautifully done. A testament to Patience and a tribute to the magic of nature in our backyard. Well done Jimmie! :) :D <3
Beat, rhythm, cadence, not overt, subtle, an echo of the voodoo, permeates the story. It's been a while since I read the tale, but that energy stayed with me. A compliment to the writing. Absorbing, drawing one into the inevitable, which is fascinating, as we see the drama coming, yet that powerlessness is entrancing. A veritable spell with words.
I'm intrigued by how shaped and crafted words transport us through time and space, I can still see the fire and the beach in my memory, even though ofc I've never been there. Or have I? I enjoy writing which is not pushy in it obviousness of agenda, which achieves its aims with a seemingly modest demeanour, yet, achieves more than one realises.
Charming and sweet, relaxed and comfortable, all the while also being very Real. The situations the characters face and deal with are not manufactured or contrived, but all too real as I can attest to not only from personal experience but also from working with clients who have gone through such profoundly life-altering wake-up calls and the profound shifts-of-being needed to deal with them. Sandra Rector does a most excellent job of sharing this accurately without overdoing it at all.
How the characters deal with difficulty is likewise realistic, and, a most important and, how they DO deal with them, without such resolutions or successes happening artificially or all too conveniently just to make us feel good. We DO feel good because the characters in the story display Good Character even while of course not being perfect. They are Real people, dealing with the realities of life. A marvellous story showing how this certainly IS possible, and that's a marvellous gift, to see real stories such as this exemplify the qualities and characteristics we all CAN have and aspire to, and the magic of the story is how it shows us, without any doubts at all, that not only CAN Magic and good fortune happen, but it's also up to us to fully seize such opportunities and make the most of them.
Many many subtle life-lessons included and in such a way they're hardly noticed, because never are we preached at or lectured. It's all just there, simply, honestly, and real, all the while also with a constant sweetness and appreciation for the simple goodnesses of life most unfortunately just take for granted and thereby miss.
A most valuable journey to remind us we don't need all we think we need to be happy. happiness can come so easily, if we but heed the examples of the characters.
A most excellent exemplification of Good People living good lives.
Cleanly written with a smooth flow, and of course, a love story and More.
Well done Sandra. A good book indeed. :) <3
Unbinding Unbound
I've been privileged to know and be connected to Sher from the inception of Unbound. I feel part of the process as Sherri shared and wrote, wrote and shared. What a process it was. Most marvellous. Sherri's heart and soul laid bare, shared. What a gift, a healing, transformative, and transporting gift. So so so much in Sherri's sharing. What a book and what a read. As a fellow author and life-coach, I can only recommend and admire this fabulous work of passion and perseverance. :) <3
Sherri's book is a deep personal communication with much much to take away from it, via making peace with the past, learning and growing, starting over, shifting-perspective, transcending self, transforming self, connecting with our inherent moreness, finding one's real-self and so much more.
I highly recommend this book. Not something I lightly do in the least.
The book, and Sherri, are to me fantastic exemplifications of the Application of Way-of-Impeccability and it's potency in the realness of life, as is intended in its purpose.
Sherri is an exception. A most marvellous and magical exception. An exception to the “supposed to” and “shoulds” of life, an exception to the limitations and obstacles of circumstance and what life dishes out, an exception to bad choices and unawareness and all the rest which all too often derails us, but which doesn't have to. Her deep Intent-to-Goodness is exceptional. So also is her book.
Due to a snafu by the publisher we had to re-publish OUT BS! complete with new ISBN etc, which means the reviews do not carry over, which is why I am reposting them here.
First an incredible review by Manual Antao. I did not know Manuel at the time I sent the recommendation I'd sent to all my Goodreads friends, but as a result of the review we got to know each other, and have excellent interactions. Manuel wrote and extensive review, which makes my heart swell even now, so it's worth clicking the link for:
Manuel Antão rated it - it was amazing
Shelves: 2018, favorites
If you're into stuff like this, you can read the full review.
Bulkshit: “Out BS!: Overcoming and Understanding Today's BullSh!t” by Elevia DeNobelia/Syl Sabastian
Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from one of the authors in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are my own, and no monetary compensation was received for this review.
“Our most earnest intent with this book, is to make sure you, our reader, you personally, don't suffer needlessly, as a result of a bullshitter or a bullshit-manipulator-narcissist [BMN] in your personal life. We dearly wish you find some assistance here when it comes to empowering yourself to recognise and deal with bullshit. We see the resolution to the problems of the world, starting with you, the individual, at that personal and local level. If we each, in our small way. Develop that discernment which leads to the awareness and understanding of bullshit, we prevent this corruption on the world from spreading and growing, weeding it out at the source, and improving the lives of good persons like yourself in the process.”
In “Out BS!: Overcoming and Understanding Today's BullSh!t” by Elevia DeNobelia/Syl Sabastian
Our system is broken.
Lying has a long history and examples of this are endless, but what stands out to me in DeNobelia's and Sabastian's book is the implicit Orwell's warning: “The moral to be drawn from this dangerous nightmare situation is a simple one: don't let it happen,”... “It depends on you.” The pernicious influence of lies upon world history and contemporary cultures is immense and it is my suspicion significant lies are a crucial component in most of the world's preventable suffering. It is no small matter. Ultimately it is up to us to care about lies, especially from those who are paid to inform and represent us, but also in critical person to person communication. We as individuals and as a culture might find our lives much improved if we rejected demonstrable lies and liars, and rewarded those who tell the truth. Especially difficult truths. Our future depends on it.
Next come the reviews from Amazon:
O. Korringa
5.0 out of 5 stars - 5.1 Insightful and helps expand our Viewpoint.
October 27, 2018
Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase
Written by people who care about us.
Peter Joshua
5.0 out of 5 stars - The Most Important Book of All Time. Not Hyperbole, Not Bullshite. Let Me Explain:
October 25, 2018
Format: Kindle Edition
It is safe to assert that politicians who are backed by the Democratic and Republican Party organizations must, as a primary qualification, be BMN's (Bullshit Manipulator Narcissists from your book). This leads to absurd situations like the Clinton vs. Trump election (an endless news cycle distraction to this day). Bullshit is an excellent catch-all term for Lying, Deception, Underhandedness, Disingenuousness, Dishonesty, Rationalization...basically anything suggesting a process of con artistry to gain unjust advantage over others. Hollywood glamorizes high stakes bullshitters in blockbuster movies (weren't Newman and Redford cute con artists). Mainstream media almost exclusively reports on BMN personalities, creating the impression (for the impressionable folks) that the tiny slice of our population who fall in the BMN category are the norm.
My point is that this book, “Out BS” is calling out the true cause of the world's greatest crimes today: The general approval and/or condonation of bullshit in the most critical matters of right and wrong today, including institutionalized mass extortion, theft, money counterfeiting, home invasions, property destruction, and murder. Bullshit makes such actions acceptable for the naive college law student, your goodly pastor, the cranky ol' guy at the bar blubbering over his beer, and even gram-gram. “I'm sure Obama has good reasons for making the difficult choice of launching a drone attack [at the wedding party, resulting in the shredding of several women and children's bodies along with the “suspect”]”. That is the impressive work of bullshit, and THIS BOOK OFFERS THE REMEDY. That makes this book one of the most important books of all time. Period. The interesting thing comment is not an exaggeration.
One person found this helpful
Thank you for your feedback.
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4.0 out of 5 stars - Author has points to contemplate.
January 1, 2019
Format: Kindle Edition
I like the author has some valid points. I am giving 4 stars because he has some good things to say.
A few notes on these. Olivia is a friend. Peter Joshua I don't know and am not even peripherally connected to as far as I know. Have tried to contact him to say thank you for the incredible review and connect more, but to no avail.
Pjf messaged me to say she would have left 5 stars, but objected to the spelling of realised, as opposed to realized. When I explained it was an international edition which uses that spelling, it didn't matter and she didn't update the review. But, makes me happy nonetheless, and reminds me how much reviewing is an art, and makes me appreciate reviewers who put their hearts and energies and deeper thoughts into their reviews. Thank you to all reviewers, your efforts are greatly Appreciated and provide an invaluable service.
Reviews from other sources:
“LOVE IT! Awesome introduction. For years I've been saying, ‘It's too bad there isn't a course on common sense.' - As I was reading chapter 1 the primary thought that went through my head was, ‘Finally, a book that can teach common sense.' But what's very cool is that just from the introduction it's very clear as to why what many of us deem to be common sense does in fact elude so many others. Well done! I hope this gets into the hands of many, many people!!”
-Tanya Jones Thibodeau Owner of the Gateway Gazette, Entrepreneur, Author, Tech Teacher, Mom.
“Bravo Syl. So true, bullshit is nothing but lies from those who have their own agenda. One can be easily fooled by a bullshit artist when they believe that everyone has some good in them. I suppose it's how I fell into my roomies trap of lies and bullshit. I want to believe everyone is a good person, but that simply is not so. I would love a copy of the book when it becomes available. Please let me know.️️️” - Mary Berman
(I read the 2nd chapter and it was a easy read. It struck home as regards to The Roomy. She really had everyone fooled by her lies. Amazing how when you distance yourself from a situation you can see it more clearly. - Mary)
“Super Congratulations! I am so happy when I see someone accomplishing something full of purpose. Truly awesome.” - Junel Doxie
“I'm very impressed! This might be one of the most important books this year, very very smart and I am so happy that you have let this book come out and help people wake up to the truth👍👍👍👐👐👐” - Aurora Annette Spuhler
“Wow awesome girl! Good for you! 🙌 Now I know you were working on a book! 🙂” - Ingrid Orosa
“Congratulations!!!!!...Amazing accomplishment finishing a book!! Don't know if you know but I'm an aspiring author too. I've been collecting a lot of info over the years so I'd be happy to share anything that could be of help to you. :) ” - Tammy Kelley
“I do l love that it calls people on their shit and makes them ask the question: ‘What kind of bullshit am I spewing?'” - Syndael Winkler
“Hello! I read your intro and ch 1. I really like the short and catchy titles that you've chosen in your content list. Very well written and so far I agree with all the contents! 🙂” - Josee Woodward
“I Like that one can read it in any order.” - LiMo
“Are you tired of dealing with mean people? Are you ready to unveil your truth? Are you prepared to stand up for yourself? Well here is a manual to help you to see the truth of the lies that so-called loved ones tell you. Here is a way to see beyond the bullshit... here is your key to freedom from such people in your life!” - Stephanie Knuuttila
“It's a book about a nascent social movement, both political and personal. It provides an understanding of how the BMN ticks and how to avoid buying into bullshit oneself At no point does it encourage a victim mentality, though it takes pains to avoid victim-blaming” - AG
“An in-depth insight to navigating the human condition. A highly recommended read for those stepping into the social avenue of adulthood or those recovering from a learning experience with another individual that would have been avoided in hindsight.” - Winter Amy
“This work is innovative and very well thought out. I was surprised at how much detail and explanation was offered. This is great for those who want to expand their way of thinking around relationships and discernment.” Angela R.N.
“Listened to your book chapters. I'm not a word person like you but what I can say is wow wow wow. I can't wait to get your book in print. I know many in my family who could greatly benefit from this. Gave me a whole wider perspective on my relationships.” - Bonni Kraus
[On the Audio Book] - “I appreciate your spoken word so much, I'm not able to describe with such eloquence as those readers. I have appreciated your verbal presentation of facts, partnered with real-life experience, and conscious appreciation of the human condition, to give clarity where there was none. Your ability to describe life's truth with heart-felt passion always keeps me listening.” - Sherry Ticktin
Rik Ty: (Goodreads Author)
I picked up a free copy of this the other day, and out of curiosity, I opened it and read the first few pages. I was happy to discover that the writing is streamlined and easy to comprehend. The book is also enhanced with ambitious cartoon/illustrations that give an additional way to consider the material. I will give the book a full read sometime in the future. (In the meantime, I will drop this reaction in some of the other posts I see featuring this book.)
In skimming the back of the book, I found this gem in Syl Sebastian's biography:
“...I feel I am traversing a circle back to my origin, except perhaps, now more aware of what I already knew.” - Rik Ty
A powerful feedback comment (& convo) on our OUT BS! book we'd like to share:
Peter Wilson: It is safe to assert that politicians who are backed by the Democratic and Republican Party organizations must, as a primary qualification, be BMN's (Bullshit Manipulator Narcissists from your book). This leads to absurd situations like the Clinton vs. Trump election (an endless news cycle distraction to this day). Bullshit is an excellent catch-all term for Lying, Deception, Underhandedness, Disingenuousness, Dishonesty, Rationalization...basically anything suggesting a process of con artistry to gain unjust advantage over others. Hollywood glamorizes high stakes bullshitters in blockbuster movies (weren't Newman and Redford cute con artists). Mainstream media almost exclusively reports on BMN personalities, creating the impression (for the impressionable folks) that the tiny slice of our population who fall in the BMN category are the norm.
My point is that your book is calling out the true cause of the world's greatest crimes today: The general approval and/or condonation of bullshit in the most critical matters of right and wrong today, including institutionalized mass extortion, theft, money counterfeiting, home invasions, property destruction, and murder. Bullshit makes such actions acceptable for the naive college law student, your goodly pastor, the cranky ol' guy at the bar blubbering over his beer, and even gram-gram. “I'm sure Obama has good reasons for making the difficult choice of launching a drone attack [at the wedding party, resulting in the shredding of several women and children's bodies along with the “suspect”]”. That is the impressive work of bullshit, and YOUR BOOK OFFERS THE REMEDY. That makes your book one of the most important books of all time. Period. The interesting thing comment is not an exaggeration.
Syl Sabastian: YES YES YES!!! Peter, just as you say. Bullshit is the core underlying infection. A cancer on society and us. Just so. It's a HUGE Issue and connects all the major problems facing us. We just have to look a little deeper and Bullshit is at the root.
The real issue is the bullshit close to home, the bullshitters and BMNs we know, those we're in contact with. All those politicians, abusers etc., someone knew them in the beginning also, someone turned a blind eye, someone inadvertently condoned and thereby enabled them. They also then themselves becoming complicit.
A big big deal. Our acceptance and tolerance of Bullshit has to end! Otherwise we are doomed to be slaves of Bullshit.
Oh Peter, your comment is huge for us, it's so so what the book is about, and the massive importance we see to this issue. Please please post that as a review on Amazon, so others can connect to it also. :) <3 Thanks Thanks Peter. Much much Appreciated!
Peter Wilson: We are brothers in this cause.
Syl Sabastian: :) :D <3 (Y)
#OutBS #Bullshit #AntiBullshit #BullshitManipulatorNarcissist #BMN #PsychologicalAbuse #Lying #Deceit #Deception
Thanks so so much again to all the reviewers. <3
A most excellent read. I've read literally thousands of books in related genres and this one stands out. The tone and vibe is fresh, different, unique in a difficult-to-quantify way, which is great. Pulled me in and kept me in. Ally the main protagonist is different and quirky with a layered complexity to maintain my interest and to feed the constant reveals.
This well-told and cool story especially shines when it comes to the villains and supporting characters, all layered and complex, especially the villains, in most surprising ways but without being unconnectable. There's a deep magic when we enjoy the villains, and much is turned around on us in ways we didn't expect, or even imagine.
A read not pigeonholed either, neither by too-specific genre or reader age, an accomplishment many aim for, but few achieve. A special nod to the eighties throwbacks and references. Once again, most cool. (Ha, although my superlatives might reach back a few decades further into the glorious past.)
I love when a read not only challenges, but surprises, and succeeds in ways not anticipated. As a long-time reader of much, that's not all that easy to do.
Well done Gene Kendall. I hope there's a sequel.
New ideas in books are rare, and especially refreshing when it's mystery and sci-fi and human drama all combined. I enjoyed the freshness and novelness of the story which has kept me interested despite need to take a break from reading because of eye-trouble. That says a lot for a book. There's much in the book that makes one think about things, and that's always good.
Crips clean writing and the story moves along at a good pace. Interesting characters keep one connected, and ofc, twists. Worth reading.
Very cool and good job. :)
An epic fantasy novel indeed. It has everything in it, wars and plots, villains a-plenty, heroes, conspiracy theories and nascent technology all in a potent brew of story where one never knows what's coming. As soon as you think you're guessing what's coming, there's a turn-up and something new and unexpected comes into play. It's a most cool story.
Also, it's not fancily written and despite the new elements added the story easy and fun to follow, which is great considering there's so much happening.
A cool fun exciting enjoyable read. :)
Fun read taking one into English life in yesteryear, during a time when much was happening and change was everywhere. Simply written and I feel will appeal to all ages from teens on up. It's always fun to get inside another time and era and that's what happens in this story.
Interesting and entertaining. :)
Wonderful, most excellent and wonderful again. Captured With Love delivers everything a romantic love story promises. A most excellent read, and here's why:
Well written, well crafted, and well-developed. Anyone who has ever experienced a romance/love story themselves knows there's an improbability to things and how they happen which defies logic. An improbability which stretches credulity if one had not experienced it oneself.
The challenge for the writer of such stories is to convey that improbability, that incredibleness and to make sure it's plausible. A very tough challenge, especially since this is difficult to believe even when one is experiencing it oneself. Niharika does a most excellent job of connecting all the dots, of providing the appropriate circumstances and situations to ensure there are no leaps of belief, no convenient lazy plot jumps and barely plausible justifications and substantiations. No, it all works most marvellously and the tale carries us along with delight and relish.
Of particular note to me was how quickly the story's promise was revealed, and I initially wondered how the author was going to sustain my interest. But, despite that early payoff the interest was wholly maintained throughout with never a let up. All the twists and turns, struggles and challenges, all flow smoothly and Appropriately. Most excellently done!
A most wonderful novel, hard to believe it's a first. Niharika is a great talent, one to watch. This is not idly said, as I have read thousands of books, a small library, all genres and I am an editor and an author as well, one who pays Attention to the More of matters. This book and story was very well done and I highly recommend it to anyone to read who even has a smidgeon of Romance in their soul. And, the surprise twist at the end, wonderful and fulfilling.
Most well done indeed Niharika! Five stars all the way.
:) <3
I did a Reading, yes, a Capital R Reading, of JLS with my magic friend Beena. For us, a Reading is a discernment, dissection, appreciation, extrapolation and unpacking of all the Moreness of a Read.
Here's Beena's TakeAway:
My Take-Away on Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach.
One of the early influential books in New Age conceptionality.
“To the real Jonathan Seagull, who lives within us all” - JLS Dedication
The power of cueing, in one line.
Another interesting read, another layered emphasis on learning and growing. Comparatively, it's a simple book. Ideas have been presented in a simple and direct manner. This simplicity becomes the first appealing motive for continuing to read JLS. What makes it interesting? It's a story of a seagull by a seagull, not narrated by any human character. Reading JLS, I was all excited and Receptive towards this story as I had no expectations but fun, what else could we expect from a bird autobiography. Having no expectations of any value other than fun became the very reason for my openness, became a leverage for not having any pre-existing calculative perceptions and pre-disposed perspectives.
Key Points:
Importance of time.
Richard emphasized the importance of how and where we spend our time. When JLS was alone and trying to figure out how he could improve flight, having no clue, still he invested every bit of energy in practice. This earnestness and dedication became his key to Moreness.
Hungry, happy learning.
For me, this, especially “happy,” is a representation of no indulgence - be deliberate in your living, in your learning, in your growth.
Wrong idea of being content.
Different people have different understandings of being content. JLS's tribe, they all were content and happy - access to food, feeling somewhat safe, no purpose other than survival. For JLS, it was not enough. He was looking for more in life, wanting to feel and experience what lies beyond boundaries and limitations, was determined to know what other high-flying birds feel and what perspectives they are able to acquire. This idea of going out of our comfort zone has been presented in a very simple and interesting way. JLS was keen to fly really high, with excellence, so he could see the world from an elevated perspective different from his flock on the shore.
The importance of Appropriate Ego. (Self)
Quest for Excellence, could mean being alone in your journey with no clear idea of your desired terminus. Appropriate ego or precise and accurate self-conception is what we need in this alone-journey, to protect us, to leverage our abilities to reach our desired stage..
Assumption of external conditioning as Inner voice.
In any situation where we have to make some choices, we mostly become caught up in lack of self-trust and our conscious/rational, and subconscious mind starts bringing up all the negative suggestions. Mostly those suggestions are either other people's perspective of us, or their own self-perceptions they might be projecting. It's crucial to understand who is playing the role of our inner-self? The question to ask ourselves: “Is it me, or external influence?”
It doesn't make any difference at all whether we know how to get our objective or not. If we keep trying, keeping our focus intact and having trust that our determination, earnestness, and clarity of intent will push us forward in our journey then, sooner or later, we will figure it out. Or, we'll meet someone who can assist us in our journey.
Overall - I really liked the book.
27th of November 2021,
I've read many many golf books, at the time I pretty much read all I could lay my hands on with none of them really standing out, except this one. besides being a good story, there is real value in the book. It's been a long time since I read it, so don't remember the details specifically, but do remember it impacted me at the time and made a difference. how exactly I cannot say, other than perhaps connecting to a predilection of mine, which is to come at matters from an abstract perspective, to go deeper, and look beyond the obvious. This marvellous read does just exactly that. Gravity Golf - need I say more?
Imagination shifting the reader into new territories of possibility when it comes to human evolution and its potential paths. Wondrous and marvellous, we get to see what might be from the inside, and from the outside of this tale of progress and love, and consider perhaps where along the spectrum we might wish to be had we the choices. And what choices Khira presents us with.
Huge ideas and concepts, yet presented with an ease and a kindness permeating the entire story. A most excellent combination of extrapolated technological extending, blended with human passion, doubt, fear and consternation. We're taken on a tour, a wild tour, yet always that kind, even gentle center amidst the roil.
A cool read to delight any fan of stories involving human possibilities and those of intertwinement with technology and the sciences while ever-connected to the human heart.
Well done Khira. :)
Interesting and fun read. The main character a teenage agent/assassin deals with what she's prepared and unprepared for with equal energy and passion. Much happens and the story moves quickly, all told in a quaint maybe slightly quirky style, especially in some vocabulary usage which keeps things interesting indeed. Different and surprising. :)
A most interesting read which will reverse your notions of what interesting is, and why. A A Read, (yes, capital R) to set on its heels ideas of what excellent writing is. Ottessa consistently surprises throughout the book with writing delights amidst subject matter which one would normally not associate with such creative excellence, all the while gently unfolding its peculiar, immersing, and absorbing charm, not being shovelled upon unsuspecting good intent, as, sadly, much creative writing is wont to do. Not here, this book a marvel of excellent unfolding and development.
My professional editor hat. not once throughout the entire work, forced unwantedly onto and over my interested brow. (I remember not ONE unwanted and superfluous, redundant, ‘that')
I will compliment this excellent novel in an unusual way: I read this novel, and kept reading, never had to persist, despite the subject matter being what I assiduously avoid in my reading. That says more than I can say.
I will sum up only by saying: Well done Ottessa, well Done! This book a superlative triumph of the unexpected!
At this point in time a review of William's collected works seems redundant. However, the experience of reading all his works as a single book is worth noting. I have read The Collected Works twice. Both times I did so in one go. Read slept read slept read etc. until finished. (I would read while eating and other activities, so really only stopped for sleeping.)
This practice with this particular work is extremely beneficial. William is not an easy read, at first. That difficulty in the beginning easily fools us into believing it will remain so, but it doesn't. For a few reasons. First, the way the plays are written and to whom they were written, comes into, er... play. (Forgive me.) William wrote to an audience comprised of every level of literacy and sophistication. In every play he caters to them all.
Typically, he will have a complex literary part, filled with references particular to the time, or complex convoluted language, his equivalence of “purple prose.” These passages, now, without knowing the specifics referred to or the out of date vocabulary can be hard to decipher. But, fortunately William also had an uneducated “common” audience. He would inevitably follow those difficult sections with straightforward, simple and obvious written which clarifies everything and lets us know what we need to know o follow the story. All we have to do is wait. Suspend our understanding for a while and let the comprehension come to us, instead of the usual other way around. A most handy skill with William.
Another benefit from reading the works as a single book with minimal breaks is the Attunement of the brain. I was not writing either time I read the Complete Works, I wish I had been. A consequence of that intense immersion is that one's brain realigns and adjust and, well, actually regrows neurons to accommodate the immersion and emphasis, all resulting in an increased capacity to assimilate, understand and comprehend. This mechanism is a most incredible one, and applies to anything we do, if we give it a chance to do so. We have to “get into' whatever it is we immerse ourselves into. We have to allow a bit of time for that Immersion to take hold.
With William the effect is dramatic. The more one reads the more one “clicks' and gets the language. Not only the language, but his brilliance. his metaphors, his wisdom, his insights into psychology and motivation. His cleverness and artistry, all become magnified. The more we Attune, the more magic there is to behold. When it comes to Appreciation, Shakespeare is one author that dramatically amplifies our joy the more we tune into his language and style. he is layered beyond layering.
For me, that immersion, since I did nothing else and likely barely spoke to anyone else during the read, the immersion resulted in my speech and thinking being affected. I could talk, “in Shakespeare.” A most marvellous phenomenon. If I had been writing I would have loved to write something in that style. I came easy after the total involvement and my brain had the opportunity to retrain itself.
All in all, reading William's complete works as a book is highly highly recommended, as doing so opens us up to being able to connect with the fullness of his unparalleled genius.
I came to The Gunslinger as a non-fan of King, and on the whole, still am. But something about this series grabbed my interest. I don't remember precisely, but mainly it wasn't horror and was by King. Happy I was at the pleasant surprise and soon immersed my attention into the series. (Which I still intend to finish.) What fascinated me, and still does, are a few distinctive features of the books as a whole.
The mood-tone of the work, I call it the cine of writing, is particularly memorable. To me there's a kind of rolling continuity of mood-tone, like enjoyable instrumental music which just keeps going and one enjoys continuously. I found this constancy to be intriguing, as it seemed to me the books did not vary much by way of emotional quotient, but possessed a constancy of hold on me.
The particular reality fascinated me, but not for its uniqueness. I've read thousands of sci-fi and fantasy books, so many I can remember only a fraction of the titles, thus the particular type of reality itself was not the intrigue, but its peculiar blend of unreal and real. I persistently had the feeling that this unreal reality, was in some way real. But not because King did a good job of immersing me, which he did, or was particularly descriptive, which he's not, but because the story, the overall, has the effect of conveying the sense that's it's written from personal experience. Like the eccentricities of some of the characters, they particularly had that realness which comes from weirdness which is really too weird for a story, but is nonetheless true. The floor-cleaning woman comes to mind
This unreal realness I enjoyed tremendously. A constant mystery. The particular elements which are unique to the story, like the riddles, the door etc, are thus magnified as interesting when connected to from this perspective and view. The whole series took on an entirely different focus and relationship. A somewhat unique perspective I had not encountered before and have only encountered in one other book, one I am currently reading. (Unfathomable by Rose Moon.)
That constant feeling leads to the ongoing question, “But how could this be real?” Or, “How could King have witnessed this if not?” The speculations which result are a joy for me. However, as excellent as this aspect of the book and series is, it's not what stays with me. What I retain is that mood, the Feel of Roland, a rare character name I can remember, and how I too knew him. Knew Roland before I read King's recollections of his adventures.
An entertaining read providing a glimpse into a world within a world, street life in Moscow's Three Stations. One does get the feel also from the main character of a difference, subtle, but it's there in mindset due to environment. The results of a different culture, and resulting different psychology. Not just in the MC, but the other characters as well. It's refreshing to connect to Russian characters. The story is entertaining across the full range of spectra from the street to an oligarch.
A most excellent book. Buddhism is a difficult subject as it is so vast and varied, much more so than most realise. This brilliant work provides a fantastic insight and perspective into what comprises Buddhism without becoming constrained by the various branchings and specializations within the Buddhist mantle. I made an effort to read all the scriptures of all the major religions, and this work is the only one that stood out and made it onto my desert island bookshelf, which was just one shelf. From the thousands of books I read, (About 10-15% listed here.) so very very few stood out. This book is one of them. It's been a long time since I read this book and all those others, but what I remember is joy to the reading, rare in scriptures, a sophisticated innocence, which is even more rare.