Good book. Get you fix the little hassle in quick time ,provided you understand the nauances of Puppet and it interplay.
It is a wonderful book ...I bought it many many moons ago ...very well explained ...learned a lot out of these.
Fantastic book. A must read for who is willing to take the pain of consulting and provide results to impatience clients.
Wonderful! It is a joy ride and many kudos to Peter for narrating in such a lively fashion. This book is worth a billion dollar. Rightly and importantly correctly converying the inculcated culture provided by the UNIX developers and enthusists.
Enjoyed very much .... :)
Awesome! Take me some taking to finish off the reading ...but certainly not is a kinda book ,people like me, time to time flock into it, just to brush up thing. Highly recommended someone in the field of CS.
Re-brushed my understanding and wonderful read because of authors build crystal clear explanation. It helps also because of my familiarity with the topic. This book binds my wayward information and knowledge to perspective and solidified it.
Thank you so much for writing such easy and gulp-able meterial for ordinary mortals like us.
Brain draining ...considering kind of gray cells I have between the ears. But, not all lost ..most was very known to me from other sources and over long time practice ...little bit here and there it was not a unfamiliar story(if you think in that way of purely technical book) .
Anyway, learn loads of stuff , useful ...but I am not yet sure how much I can remember and use ...probably lean on to this time and again.
Highly recommended, if you want to deal with complex stuff and want pinpoint accuracy of the applicable things by knowing intricacies of inner working of RegEx(yes, in the tech world we called this subject by this short name!, convenient) .
Well, such an important and essential topic, or should I say,the crux of the every possible software program execution on any environment .
Enjoyed very much , brushed and enhanced my understanding ,hope this will do a hell lot of good for me to poking into some of the stuff I dealt with day by day basis.
This book written in extremely easy and consumable manner. Anybody , who has little understanding of computer can easily grasp at ease.
Recommended, to the curious people wanted to know the inner working and importantly enhance the understanding of their curiosity.
Magnificent! A beautifully written rundown of the evolution of the British Computing Industry. Invigorating and informative. The informations are well knitted and pleasant to read.
Enjoyed every bit of it. It certainly bridges the gaps in my knowledge significantly.
Brilliant! One thing very evident in the book, that Shane was brutally honest about himself. This book is as invigorating as the man himself. Very entertaining, liked every words and paragraph of it.
Nice . I have had excountered few in my life . Mostly in the professional world; are full of them . Preciously those are power hungry . Eye opener.
One small point I beg to differ; somewhere in book I read,” you get into an organization where everybody of the company wants you”...that's bit hypothetical or the guy should really really well known to everyone.
Or did I missed the point? Please explain what do you mean by “everyone” in the company?
Thanks for writing such an important topic. Wish I could read it much earlier.
This book has a tremendous effect on me to understand the kernel. Thank you so much, Robert, appreciate that you wrote such a wonderfully in a very descriptive manner easy to grasp by an ordinary mortal like me.
Highly recommended to anybody who wanted to know about the inner working of Linux Kernel. Certain game changer.
Oh, what a bloody good book to remind ourselves that failure is a part and parcel of life. It is also extremely difficult to inculcate the “environment of failure” in a society where “preconceived dogma” in the head rules the roost. As a result, we waste so much of our invaluable time convincing other stubborn people(static mindset people, in Dr. Carol Dweck's words) to get along.
Thank you Amy for writing this wonderful piece.
Excellent. Gives you lots of insight, if you are in mid-career person involved in so many structural things in an organization. Lots of cues.Importantly, enjoyable.
Magnificent book. A must read..I have had enjoyed it thoroughly . It gives lots of insight about life,and in black and fuss.. plain truth.
Exceptionally well-written materials. I thoroughly enjoyed every bit of it. Thank you so much, David for writing this.
Gospel of truths ....time and again. The entire societal system is very pretentious. I would like to encourage people who are not afraid to know the actualities of society or anyone little bit of curiosity should read it ...line by line ....
This book is right up there for some unfathomable value propositions....magnificent!
Look like living life is all about, wavering through miscreants.
Enjoyable read. Hit the nails quite a number of times. Reconfirms the mistakes we made in rush and under false and created circumstances. And importantly how to avoid those pithfalls.
Eye opener for anyone,living blindly and had have false sense of security by thriving in the thin air.
It is a okay kind of book . Good for beginner, who lacks the information about the subject. Newbies will get great help out of this book .
Enthralling!! I could picture myself many many times in the book...magnificent depiction Tracy ..enjoyed very much!