Something about this book rubbed me the wrong way.

June 24, 2011

The pacing wasn't really that great but I'd give this a 3.5.

November 12, 2011


January 8, 2013
January 24, 2013

Sigh, if I had to list everything I disliked about this book...

October 30, 2013
January 3, 2013

It's OVER? And now I have to wait ANOTHER YEAR?!?!?!

No. Ugh. No.

February 14, 2013
March 23, 2013
June 17, 2018

First Sarah Dessen book I picked up, so it's a bit sentimental :)


Suuuuch a sucker for nice guys getting the girl stories.

September 30, 2011
June 18, 2011

If the concept is what I think it is, then it's one of my favourites in fiction. And right now this book, despite how much I like its sparse prose, isn't exactly jaw-dropping. So that's disappointing.

Update: Yep, it was disappointing. I was really hoping it'd be better, despite all the low ratings.

December 25, 2011

This book takes the cake when it comes to unsatisfactory conclusions.


February 14, 2013

The premise was interesting, but the execution wasn't up to par. I didn't really feel any emotional investment in the characters. Christian was okay, and I wish the chemistry between him and Dough was explored further.

August 13, 2011
January 28, 2013

Despite acknowledging all its flaws, I can't help loving this series. I had so many thoughts running through my head while reading but all I can say now is that it's hard to let it go.

July 15, 2011

Kind of on the fence with this one.

August 6, 2011

I never expected to love this series as much as I did.

update: rereading made me realise how simplistic and annoying the writing style is tbh, but i still liked it? 0_0

December 12, 2013

Wow. Just... wow.

May 5, 2011
January 3, 2011
July 14, 2011

Still not sure how to review this.

February 4, 2011

Is it bad that the one thing–or rather, person–who stuck to mind during the entire ordeal that was occurring in the book was Neil? Right from the get-go, when he was first introduced, I knew he was probably already dead.

And I was right.

And that makes me sad, because I think I liked him best.

January 19, 2013

I wanted to make a huge review. I really did. But I don't think my words can give it justice.

This was beautiful. So worth all those months and weeks of waiting. To sum up my feelings: I would sleep with this book if I could.

May 6, 2011