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124 booksWhether it's a course textbook or a fictional romance, we remember books that impact us deeply. Which books do you remember being forever changed by due to learning something new – either about you...
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89 booksBooks have the ability to educate, inform and inspire us to be better. What are some of the books that changed your life in some way? This could be books that gave you a new point of view, taught y...
Gripping, unputdownable, fast paced, suspenseful... But predictable. I was expecting more twists, but probably I've read through so many such plots that I found the story predictable. May just be me, but overall worth a good read on a flight.
This book has been most insightful, for me it was the second most influential book after Covey's Seven habits. It is about understanding how people get us to say “Yes” when we should have said “No”.
Not just about marketing/advertising, this is a book for everyone. Because we all face situations when we are influenced by other people (or need to influence other people). And this book helps us become more rational when making decisions, avoiding those pitfalls of influence.
This book is the most life-changing book I have read till date!! It makes you think, reflect, and gives an actionable plan to make a lasting positive change in yourself.
The editing could be way way better. Currently, it seems like someone's first thought put on paper - hard to relate to. Having an editor review and rewrite the text would make this book so much more relatable.
A very easy read and helps cut the mystique around driving a business unit. Simplified business leadership, very jargonless.