

Dimentica il mio nome

2014 • 12 Readers • 208 pages 4.7

Feminism, Interrupted

Feminism, Interrupted
ByLola Olufemi

2020 • 24 Readers • 160 pages 4.4

Cover 4

Gli anni che restano
ByBrian Freschi, Davide Aurilia

1 Reader

Guerra e Pace

Guerra e Pace
ByLeo Tolstoy

1867 • 9 Readers • 1,445 pages 4.5

Cover 2

1 Reader

Macerie prime. Sei mesi dopo

2018 • 10 Readers • 192 pages 4.4

Last finished on
Cover 1

ByDaniel Cuello

2019 • 4 Readers 4

Niente da perdere

Niente da perdere
ByJeff Lemire

2017 • 3 Readers • 272 pages 4

Nonostante tutto

Nonostante tutto
ByFrancesco Savino(Translator)

2020 • 2 Readers • 152 pages

On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous

2019 • 1,022 Readers • 256 pages 4

Last finished on
Orlando: A Biography

Orlando: A Biography
ByVirginia Woolf

1919 • 349 Readers • 350 pages 3.7



2020 • 10 Readers • 240 pages 4.9

Cover 5

Sempre pronti
ByVera Brosgol

1 Reader

Ship of Magic

#1 of 3 in The Liveship Traders

Ship of Magic
ByRobin Hobb

1997 • 620 Readers • 880 pages 4.2

Sons and Lovers

Sons and Lovers
ByD.H. Lawrence

1913 • 83 Readers • 493 pages 3.7

Stelle o sparo

2018 • 1 Reader • 144 pages

Cover 6

1 Reader

The Antidote: Happiness for People Who Can't Stand Positive Thinking

2012 • 148 Readers • 256 pages 3.8

The Foxhole Court

#1 of 5 in All for the Game

The Foxhole Court
ByNora Sakavic

2013 • 268 Readers • 237 pages 3.6

The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs: A New History of a Lost World

#1 of 3 in The Rise and Fall

2018 • 299 Readers • 416 pages 4.2

Un polpo alla gola

Un polpo alla gola

2012 • 14 Readers • 190 pages 4.5

Viaggi nella filosofia

2018 • 2 Readers • 136 pages

Viola Giramondo

#1-3 of 1 in Violette autour du monde

Viola Giramondo
ByTeresa Radice

2013 • 2 Readers • 128 pages 4