Clifford Irving

Clifford Irving

Clifford Irving has written at least 11 books. Their most popular book is The Autobiography of Howard Hughes with 1 save with an average rating of -⭐.

They are best known for writing in the genre autobiography.

Author Bio

Clifford Irving is the author of 20 published books, among them New York Times best-sellers Fake!, Trial, and Final Argument. Richard Gere starred as Clifford in the movie version of Hoax, the story of Clifford’s most famous book, the Autobiography of Howard Hughes, which forced the billionaire out of seclusion, caused the downfall of Richard Nixon, and earned the writer 16 months in three federal prisons.

The L.A. Times called Clifford Irving “a master,” and Thomas Keneally (Schindler’s List) lauded Irving’s The Angel of Zin as “absolutely compelling, a totally engrossing thriller.”

This February 2012, as a birthday present, his computer-savvy son, Josh, has created a unique event – 12 of Clifford’s works, published and unpublished, will be available simultaneously on Kindle, at remarkably low prices. 12 for 2012. [Now also available as Nook books]

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