Emma McLaughlin

Emma McLaughlin

Emma McLaughlin has written at least 10 books. Their most popular book is The Nanny Diaries with 90 saves with an average rating of 3.54⭐.

They are best known for writing in the genres Fiction, Young Adult, and Humor.

Author Bio

My partner, Nicki, and I have been writing together for 12 years. We're obsessed by what makes a satisfying story. I'm excited to hear from our readers what does it for them -- and what doesn't. As a working mom, the only book time I manage to steal these days is right before bed. I'm not the girl who can watch SVU and go to sleep with a smile. Ruling out kids/the economy/the world in peril as subject matter leaves sweeping Wharton epics or swift funny observations. The best is when a book makes you feel like you're still talking in the whee hours with your best college frien