Rich Koslowski

Rich Koslowski

Rich Koslowski has written at least 9 books. Their most popular book is Archie vs Predator with 5 saves with an average rating of 3.5⭐.


2 primary books

Authored 0% of series

The Best of Archie Comics

The Best of Archie Comics is a 3-book series with 2 primary works first released in 2011 with contributions by Frank Doyle, George Gladir, and 14 others.


2 primary books

Authored 0% of series

Archie vs. Predator

Archie vs. Predator is a 0-book series first released in 2015 with contributions by Alex de Campi.


1 primary book

Authored 0% of series

Sonic Select

Sonic Select is a 1-book series first released in 2011 with contributions by Michael Gallagher, Karl Bollers, and 2 others.