Rui Zink

Rui Zink

Rui Zink has written at least 16 books. Their most popular book is O Anibaleitor with 3 saves with an average rating of 4⭐.

Author Bio

Rui Barreira Zink is a professor at New University of Lisbon, where he graduated in Portuguese Studies and obtained the PhD in Portuguese Literature. Reader of Portuguese at the University of Michigan (1989/90).

Author of several books, among trials and fiction, the novel stresses Hotel Lusitano (1987), Apocalypse Nau (2000), The Substitute (1999) and The Surfers (2001), and the books of account the reality now Color (1988) and Spider-Man (1994), "The Anibaleitor" (2006). Cooperating with the press and made literary translation.

Rui Zink received the Award of P.E.N. Portuguese Club, the novel Davida Divine (2005), has represented the country in events like the Biennial of São Paulo, the Book Fair in Tokyo or the Edimburgh Book Festival.