Average rating3.9
Will Eisner is an interesting figure for me. He's one of those names that always turns up whenever people talk about the most influential and important storytellers in the medium of graphic fiction, but at the same time, he's someone who I've never been able to understand the hype about, having read only his Spirit work.
Now I get it. This book was a complete revelation for me - the way Eisner uses the simplest of pen strokes to create emotive environments, the way he can craft scenes that are both sparse and rich at the same time. The way he can tell four stories that are completely different from each other, but which are really all the same story. Beautiful and brilliant.
De Oscars van de comics zijn de Eisners. ‘t Is niet moeilijk te raden waarom: Eisner was een beest. Contract with God wordt wel eens de eerste Graphic Novel genoemd, en we kunnen nog lang discussiëren of dat al dan niet het geval is. Wat er ook van weze, dit is een tijdloos meesterwerk.
Eisner heeft het in vier verhalen over de (Joodse) inwoners van een gebouw in de Bronx. Lees dit in de jaren 1970, 2010 of 2070: het blijft even overeind.
Love the graphics. I'm not one for graphic novels but this was an interesting one.