A Court of Wings and Ruin
2017 • 753 pages


Average rating4.2


I loved this, I think.
Like, there were some things that made me roll my eyes and want to mock the book, but when I didn't feel that? Y'all. That was some good shit.
I can tell that Sarah's idea of good shit is basically the same as my idea of good shit because she really likes to give all that good shit and I like to get it.
(And by that I mean, I love happy endings; romance; relationships; twists, even when I see them coming a mile away (and especially if I don't); and when the cranky, mean, short-tempered person gets with the easy-going, witty, and charming person, I just like that, okay, don't @ me.)
I can't help but compare it to the finale of Throne of Glass, which I read before this, and while I thought that was a great finale, I actually liked this one better. It might be because it's a shorter story arc and also focused on a smaller group of characters, as well as written from one POV rather than 3rd person, but I felt the story flowed more easily. The 1st person POV that this series is written in has in some ways been my gripe with the other books, but here I think it centered in the story and made it feel less overwhelming (even though some parts were very conveniently seen by the main character).
Oh and I also know that technically it's not a finale because there's more books, but you're not going to be able to convince me that this wasn't written as a fucking finale, like shut up, i don't care.
I really liked how the first act of the book was centered on this revenge/spy-plot, and how Feyre got out of it, and how much she really has grown from the first book. I think character-arc wise, it would probably have been better to have the events of the previous book set over a longer period of time, but it still works even if she is conveniently good at things at times. I actually think that was one of the biggest things that annoyed me about this book, Feyre being conveniently good at everything. I'm much more lenient toward convenience when it relies on others than the MC because then there's usually been planted some clues for that to make sense. But you know, considering my rating of the book, you'll realize it wasn't THAT big a gripe.
I enjoyed seeing much more of the sisters in this book and how they played into the story, as well as the trouble of getting all of the high lords to work together, and at that, meeting all the other high lords because we've really only met two before this. I can certainly see how plot points for future books are sprinkled in here, but it's not enough for this to not still be a conclusion, like you could definitely stop here if you wanted.
Anyway, it was great, I loved it, I love Rhysand, I love Amren, and I really found myself adoring Azriel in this one, he really stepped forward and became more than a shadow of a person.
All in all, it was really great.

August 14, 2019