Average rating4.2
I liked this book the most, it has everything: romance, strategy, action, spice, humor... it is long but not unnecessarily (contrary to ACOMAF). It is very dynamic and something is actually happening at all times, it kept me on edge and wanting to know how it ended all the time!
I enjoyed this one a lot but there are some things that kept me from giving it 5 stars:
- “Gave a vulgar gesture”, “My mate” and “said to no one in particular” are way overused, so much so that it became annoying to read and completely dulled my reading experience
-There's so much info dump, like for example in the middle of the war with Hybern certain characters appear and explain their whole backstory and how they came to support Prythian... like dudes, seriously? You are in battle and you have time to chit chat?
-Also there was a lot of info dump between dialogues that broke the fluidity of the conversation, I got lost and had to go a little back and read it again skipping the info dump part to make it make sense
-Some things weren't clear, like again, during the battle with Hybern, was Rhys with Feyre or not? He was supposed to be fighting but suddenly he's got part in the decision when Feyre and Amren are about to go to the Cauldron on their own... to me it was confusing
A solid end to this arc. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I have some quarrels here and there with the world-building and some of the characters but it's a gripping and entertaining read throughout.
4.25/5 stars “Remember that you are a wolf. And you cannot be caged.” I want to print off a picture of this cover and keep it in my wallet. Just in case anyone asks me if I have children, I can just show them this.Because all these assholes are my children. I don't even know where to start with this review. I've been writing things and then deleting them for weeks. Every combination of words just isn't the right combination I need to right the perfect review. [a:Sarah J. Maas 3433047 Sarah J. Maas https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1269281353p2/3433047.jpg] always releases not one, but two gigantic books a year and I don't even know how to write a thousand word review? Actual proof that SJM is a writing goddess. We have been blessed from the heavens. So anyways, I've decided to write whatever the hell comes to my head. So this entire review is one huge train wreck. It's an unorganized mess. I'm gonna apologize for that right now. It also contains unmarked spoilers because it is almost three thousand words long and I don't have time to go through and mark every single spoiler. ACOWAR had the unfortunate luck of having to proceed the epicness that was A Court of Mist and Fury. It's like being given $1,000,000, spending it all, then being given only a $100,000. Both amounts of money are nice to have, but obviously the million is the better option. Or like watching Beyonce perform live in concert, then having to watch a youtube video of Beyonce. Both are nice, great options, but there is always going to be the preferable one. I actually feel sorry for ACOWAR. It didn't deserve to be a follow-up to [b:A Court of Mist and Fury 17927395 A Court of Mist and Fury (A Court of Thorns and Roses, #2) Sarah J. Maas https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1485259138s/17927395.jpg 25126749], but it really didn't have an option. ACOWAR is better than ,[b:A Court of Thorns and Roses 16096824 A Court of Thorns and Roses (A Court of Thorns and Roses, #1) Sarah J. Maas https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1491595796s/16096824.jpg 21905102] but if you were to look up the definition of “prefection” in the dictionary, there will be a picture of the ACOMAF cover. Let me just get some of my thoughts & feels written down real quick. Beware, some might be spoilery. Please proceed with caution. A COURT OF THOUGHTS & FEELS 1. Rhys is actually the best fictional character ever and I love him2. Feyre is actually the best fictional character ever and I love her3. Mor is actually the best fictional character ever and I love her4. Lucien is actually the best fictional character ever and I love him5. Amren is actually the best fictional character ever and I love her6. Azriel is actually the best fictional character even and I love him7. Cassian is actually the best fictional character ever and I love him8. Tamlin is actually the worst fictional character ever and I hate him9. I hate him so much10. Seriously11. Who okay'd Tamlin as a character?12. They should be fired13. Ianthe sucks too14. I'm glad that bitch got destoryed by the weaver 15. We could have done without the sex scenes though. 16. Remember when they were in the library? And all they wanted to do was have sex and not read. Talk about unrealistic. 17. Rhys is the most dramatic character in YA......pass it on18. The beginning, when Feyre was at the Spring Court, was actually my favorite part of the entire book? I loved it.19. I was just like yaaas Feyre girl you destroy those losers20. Also when Feyre and Rhys were reunited that was cool21. I wanted that scene to be longer though with a lot less sex22. Also the Suriel's death was not okay'd by me and Sarah will be hearing from my lawyers 23. Also who approved the term “vulgar gesture???” They should be fired too. 24. Also if I ever hear the word “mate” again I'm gonna spontaneous combust25. Cassian + Feyre = A friendship you will never have26. Mor is gay and all is okay27. Also no one in the night squad died which is really unrealistic to me? Also kinda disappointing. I was preparing myself for a death that never came, which took time away from me preparing my funeral.28. Also Amren is the best thing to come out of this book29. If the sequels aren't about her I'm sueing. 30. Also does anyone know why we were fighting this war? I don't remember. 31. And also does anyone remember how the high lord powers work and why they all happen to be the most powerful people their courts but they get their position through genetics? Because if I haven't learned anything from YA literature, at least I've learned that there will always be a chosen one who's more powerful than any ruler. So why hasn't that happened? CHARACTERS! cHARACTERS Feyre. Feyre is the best? She has evolved so much since the first book. And she's so loyal to those she loves. But if she hates you, you are dead. There is no way to save you. Rhys. I don't know if you knew this, but in certain countries it's agaisnt the law to hate Rhys. He's the best. Tamlin. Remember that time when you used to like Tamlin? Hahahaha he's an asshole. Mor. She's gay! Which is also the only diversity we got in this book. But she's the best. Amren. I want to be her when I grow up. She's the best. Lucien. I am just so glad that Lucien found God in this book. Cassian. I just love Cassian? I just want him to wrap me up in his wings. He's the best. Azriel. I would leave my boyfriend Kaz for Azriel. He's the best. SUMMARY AND COMMENTARY I'm going to do something I never done before in a review. There are so many scenes that I just want to talk about, that I'm gonna summarize a lot of this book so I can talk about them. This entire thing is spoilery so please don't read unless you've read the book. So we start off at hell the Spring Court and Tamlin is being is douchebag self like always. He's just hanging around, doing his meninist things. Not realizing that Miss High Lady of the Night Court over there is slowly taking down his court. A nightmare, I'd told Tamlin. I was the nightmare. I was kinda hoping for more telepathic interactions? I wanted Feyre to say something like, “Oh Rhys was just terrible to me.” and Rhys to just pop up and be like, “Terribly good in bed.” or something like that. But that never happened. SJM really threw away her shot. Hamilton would be disappointed.I'm going to be honest here. I didn't really understand how Feyre took down the Spring Court? Like I know she did it by gaining the people's trust. But I didn't understand that sunlight scene or all the uneventful trips to the wall. Also Ianthe didn't die in the first part which was disappointing. BUT IANTHE DOES GET HER HAND SMASHED INTO LITTLE PIECES BY FEYRE WHICH IS SO FREAKING BRUTAL I screamed the entire time like wow I don't like the bitch either but did she really deserve to have her hand continuously smashed? I am a good person who has morals and part of me is still like “yeah she deserved that”Anyways Feyre is eventually like #byelosers @ the Spring Court and leaves. She takes Lucien with her which is really cool because Lucien deserved better than those assholes. So Lucien and Feyre flee the Spring Court, which at this point is burning.In fact I have an actual, never before seen picture of the spring court taken shortly after Feyre left Some stuff happens and there's fighting because it's a high fantasy novel and not having any fighting would probably make it a contemporary or something. But anyhow, Cassian eventually comes and helps Feyre and Lucien with the fighting. And the Cassian/Feyre reunion is the best reunion in this book? Like what Feyre/Rhys reunion? I met those laughing, fierce hazel eyes.Cassian's smile softened. “Hello, Feyre.” My throat tightened to the point of pain, and I threw my arms around his neck, embracing him tightly. “I missed you, too,” Cassian murmured, squeezing me. Honestly, that scene was the absolute best? Like after that, the Feysand reunion was so underwhelming. It happened just a few pages later but it wasn't cute dialogue and hugs and friendship Their meetup was crying on the floor then having unnecessary explicit sex. SJM is great and all, but her sex scenes are the worst. I understand that sex is a thing that exist and Feysand participates in it, but I just don't care about the details. I would rather have more Amren dialogue. So at one point during all this reunion sex, Feyre tells Rhys that he likes a dramatic entrance which has just won an oscar for “understatement of the year”. Because obviously, Rhys did not crash Feyre's wedding in ACOMAFThe next part of the book is just like plotting and stuff. It's kind of boring. I honestly almost fell asleep during the next two hundred pages? I mean I didn't though because this is a SJM book but I could have. There was no action. No suspense. At least I had Amren and her I-don't-give-a-shit attitude to keep me awake. There is the library scene which is the worst scene in the entire book. So Feyre and Rhys are in this gigantic ass library surrounded by books which is like life goals right? If you don't want to be surrounded by books then gtfo of my review. But anyways, instead of appreciating the luxuries they have in their life, Feyre and Rhys spend the entire time flirting with each other? This annoyed me so much. It was the most unrealistic scene in this entire series. I don't care if my High Lord mate was there with me. If I was in a library surrounded by books, then he doesn't freaking exist in that moment. Also there is a giant monster thing that lives in the basement of this library that everyone is afraid of? #goals “If you hadn't stolen my bride away in the night, Rhysand, I would not have been forced to take such drastic measures to get her back.”I said quietly, “The sun was shining when I left you.” So Rhys and Feyre and the rest of the squad decided to throw a party. By party I mean, they decided to get all the incredibly powerful, opinionated fae in one place and try to come to an agreement. This is such a smart idea. Just wow. They also invite Tamlin to be nice and then they act surprised when he shows up??? Like you guys sent him an invite to your birthday party??? It would be rude of him not to come???? Why would he turn down free cake like that?!?!?! Tarquin took him in. Then me. And the others. “I rescind the blood rubies. Let there be no debts between us.”“Don't expect Amren to return hers,” Cassian muttered. “She's grown attached to it.” So the greatest thing ever happened during this meeting? And I'm not talking about when Feyre destroyed Tamlin when he was being a prick. No, I'm talking about how Amren isn't returning her ruby that marks her for death? She's so iconic. I want to be Amren when I grow up. Then, while all these high lords were in the same place and wasting time fighting with each other, donald trump the King of Hybitch Hyburn brings down the wall that they were all trying not so desperately to protect. And again, they were all surprised. Like are you fUCKing kidding me? How did you not see this coming???? You are standing around, doing pratically nothing. Wasting all the time in the world. AND YO UARE SUPRISED THAT HYBITCH IS ACTUALLY GOING THROUGH WITH HIS PLANS. YOU KNOW HE WAS TRYING TO BRING THAT WALL DOWN. he WAS GONNA DO IT AND YOUR BIRTHDAY PARTY WAS THE PERFECT OPPURTUNITY. Honestly, I am surprised he didn't succeed earlier than this? So noW that the wall has been destroyed and is never coming back, all these high lords realized that if they are going to win this war, they are gonna all get off their asses to do something. Also what even are we fighting for? All I know about this war is that the King of Hyburn is bad and the Night Court Squad is good. How did this war even start? What did Amarantha have to do with anything? Who even is Myriam person and what does she have to do with anything? I know it was probably explained in ACOMAF but that was a year ago and I was too busy placing my attention on Rhys to pay any attention. So at this point I'm 469 pages into the last book of this trilogy and I don't even know what we are fighting for? I'm emotionally invested in a war I know nothing about. Is this what politics are like? Anyways, the squad and their newly found high lord allies go to take down Hybitch.So then Feyre has this brilliant idea to go find out good friend the Suriel. I forgot the Suriel even existed tbh. He's so creepy that I am sure my brain purposely block him out from my ACOTAR memories. So we go find Mr. Suriel and he is near the Weaver's cottage. I also blocked the weaver out from my memories so, if you are like me, this is when you bust open your ACOTAR coloring book, flip to the picture of the Weaver, and then pretend to remember. So the Suriel is kinda helpful but unhelpful as always. But Feyre still cares about him becasue why would't you care about the creepy monster that doesn't even have a proper name and you've only met like three times? So Suriel, that unhelpful yoda, is in the middle of giving Feyre vague advice when THAT BITCH IANTHE SHOWS UP AND JUST SHOOTS HIM WITH AN ARROW FOR NO GOOD REASON. Obviously having a crushed hand hasn't affected her aim any. Someone should just kill that bitch already. Which is exactly what Feyre does. And she isn't even easy on her. She takes Ianthe into the Weaver's cottage and the weaver like eats her. Gross. I would have atleast chosen a less graphic demise. And something that kills her a lot longer. How fortunate are we that we caught the impossible-to-catch Suriel for the third time right near the cottage of a monster thing that likes to eat bitches? We are soooo fortunate. “Feyre Archeron,” the Suriel said again, gazing at the leafy canopy, the sky peeking through it. A painful inhale. “A request.”I leaned close. “Anything.”Another rattling breath. “Leave this world...a better place than how you found it.” So after murdering Ianthe, Feyre goes back to the dying Suriel and I have The Hunger Games flashbacks to Rue's death scene. I was kind of expecting Feyre to gather flowers to place around the Suriel. And obviously, even though we are in a world surrounded by magic, there is no way to save the Suriel. He dies. I'm devastated. You are devastated. I still vaguely remember the Suriel from the past two books. And if I'm honest, this all could have been avoided if Feyre wasn't so dramatic and just asked the Suriel to coffee or something. Oh also, I just happened to have stumbled upon this picture of Feyre that was taken one time after someone was shocked she caught the SurielMore stuff I don't care about happens blah blah blah and then Feyre's sister, Elain, is somehow kidnapped by the cauldron. Also making a cauldron the most powerful object in all the universe is the stupidest thing I've ever read. How did the Cauldron kidnap Elain? I don't know it is never really explained how that inanimate object does anything. Remember, I still don't know why the crap we are at war here. Anyways, Feyre gets really upset so she goes undercover as Ianthe and infiltrates the Hyburn army and saves Elain. Feyre goes through maybe one obstacle along the way and then returns to her mate Rhys. Also, if you are a person who participates in drinking games, then here's a fun one for you while you read the book. Every time the word “mate” is said you drink. And get drunk during the first chapter. You'll be in the hospital by the third chapter. So actually don't play that drinking game. And was I the only person who felt this entire thing was so unneeded? This is a 700 page book and we are nearing the end and now we are going on missions that run a little too smoothly? Like I know Azriel gets hurt but he'll heal perfectly fine because we live in a world of healing magic that works on bat wings but not bitch's hands. More fighting. There is a lot of fighting that happens. It's like they are at war or something. Oh remember Feyre's father? Yeah, I don't either. But he comes back. I didn't know he was gone but he came back with ships named after his daughters and Odette from Swan Lake but instead of a Swan, she's a firebird which might just be a stupid name for a phoenix, oh and he name isn't Odette. Anyways, her father finds this queen they just happened to be looking for even though there's no way he could have possibly known that because he has been missing for 37297843 years. So obviously, because of this all his past sins are forgiven instantly. Then her father eventually dies because of Trump Hybitch and we are suppose to be sad about it but I'm still standing here likeThen, on page 666, because Sarah is in fact the devil, the unthinkable happens. MY BABY RHYS WHO IS SUPPOSE TO BE PROTECTED AT ALL TIMES DIES. YES DIES. AND AT THIS POINT I'M CRYING IN THE CORNER AND WANTING TO THROW THE BOOOK INTO A VOLCANOAnd I'm just like, “If he ficking stays dead then at least all 700 pages of this book will make great kindling to warm my now cold heart” But then I remember ACOTAR and how Feyre here died and then was brought back to life so I start looking at the other high lords who happen to be near us at this moment and I'm just “Hey do a girl a favor here AND BRING BACK MY BOYFRIEND.”But then I also remember there's a certain asshole who is also a high lord who has to help and I Start FREAKING out but then he comes through and he's just like “Be happy, Feyre,” and SAVES RHY'S LIFEYou still an asshole Tam, but maybe just a little bit less.ANd I'm just crying in the corner even harder than before. Then somehow they defeat the King of Hybitch and Feyre and Rhys live happily ever after. Both are alive. The #NightSquad is still alive. Beause that is super realistic. Looks like the only person who is dead here is me. Oh well. CONCLUSION So while ACOMAF is still the best, this is still a great novel and I loved it? Being with all my children again is all I have ever asked for in life and I ‘m just glad that they all ended up happy.
It was entertaining, but the love for “Perfect Happy Ending” of Sarah J Maas is sadly making her stories predictable and her ends flats. Her stories always lack a bit of depth that would have make them memorable.
I still enjoy her books and I believe they are great summer reads.
I felt like the first half of the book was a little weak and some parts were slow paced. I was not a fan of Feyre pretending to be back with Tamlin. I was happy that it ended quickly and she was back home Rhys very quickly. The second half of the book was better paced and had all the action. I enjoyed Bryaxis, the bone carver, and the weaver. I was very happy about the injury and death of Ianthe. Jurian's character totally threw me for a loop. I was just not expecting him to actually be a good guy. I am a little mad at Sarah J. Maas for throwing all the feels in this book. I sobbed when Rhy died, I sobbed when the Suriel died, I sobbed when Amren changed into her new form, I sobbed when their dad arrived with the armada to save his daughters, and I sobbed when he died. I felt like Nesta and Elain need more substance. I am waiting to see if Nesta and Cassian's relationship develops further. Azriel needs some more attention such as a real love interest or a some major event.
699 pages of OMGOMGOMG and AAAHH! and I didn't see THAT coming and I LOVE RHYSAND FO EVA AND EVA. As soon as I finished I knew I was going to open it up and read it again. There were a couple of things I would have like answered and I hope Sarah J does in the spin offs. However, if she doesn't this is still one of my top favorite series I have read. EVER. Did I mention that I love Rhys?
hyperventilates I. loved. it. so. much. I love this series. I loved this book. I can't wait for the next one. Sarah J. Maas just take all my money. please. I want you to have it. just keep writing these books.
I was sure that no book could match up to ACOMAF and I wasn't wrong, especially so soon after I finished it. I started ACOWAR immediately after because I didn't want to let go of the amazing characters, not yet.
ACOWAR starts exactly after ACOMAF ends. Feyre is now the High Lady of the Night Court living in the Spring Court, waiting to wreak havoc on the people who betrayed her. After this part, most of the remainder of the book deals with building alliances among the various Courts, Feyre mastering her powers and finally forging unlikely bargains with monsters to take on the King of Hybern and his massive army.
I absolutely loved the first part of the book when Feyre was in the Spring Court. Her sly planning and cunning to take down Ianthe and Tamlin and destroy the court from within was awesome to read. I also loved that Feyre started to trust Lucien a little because I have always liked his character. Most of the other parts of the books are either full of planning or filled with action packed moments. My love for Feyre and Rhysand only grows and grows and their relationship and trust is stronger than ever.
My absolute adoration for the dreamers is still intact and their fighting skills during the war take badassery to a whole new level. I somehow could never warm up to Nesta. Even if she did everything to protect Elain and did finally fight in the war, I can never forgive her for the way she treated Feyre. I don't know where her story goes next but I am never going to be one of those Nessian shippers. I really like Lucien with Elain because they both deserve a love which is more sensitive rather than fierce.
The ending felt a bit rushed because too many things happened in too short a time. But I liked it, cried buckets of tears and then jumped with joy when everything turned out okay. On the whole, the book packs a lot of plot and action and is a fine finale to this wonderful series. I really hope the upcoming novellas feature my favorite dreamers but I also hope I will still get a glimpse of Feysand.
It has been a long journey with this book to say the least. I picked it up months ago and have read a chapter here or there, until my cousin decided to pick of the series and I plowed through 300 pages in three days so she could borrow this book lol. I would have gave it a 4 star but I just felt like it was too long in a way and then too short in others. I hate the fact that literally side characters with no worth to the story over all are the ones that parish and Maas tries to bring a tear jerkers when she does this. It's dumb. I love the characters but sis if you want me to cry kill somebody that you have lead us to love, because yes, you've made very lovable characters and no I don't want to see them die but if you want impact you gotta do what you gotta do. With that said I do plan on at least reading the 4th book, but I don't know if I can tackle another big boy from Maas, just not my speed I guess.
If you like unkillable main casts, redemption arch's, and “rude gestures” or just can't leave a series unfinished I guess just keep trucking. There's twists, tear jerkers, and fast paced endings like in the rest of this series so it's not disappointing or anything. Just kinda mid.
I started with liking this series, but by this third book I pretty much wanted to throttle Rhysand, Feyre and the rest of them! Well, that and after a skim read of A Court of Frost and Starlight.
The reason? Their absolutely horrible treatment of Tamlin! I think I might be in the minority who feels really sad and awful for Tamlin.
Ps. Apologies for the long rant, but I just had to say it.
* POTENTIAL SPOILERSI get he did some really awful stuff, but by the end of the third book, I was feeling desperately sorry for him. I mean, in his own way he did help with the war. People only seem to see the bad in him, but did people forget how he provided a distraction for Feyre and Azriel to get away when they went to save Elain? Or when he gave that little bit of his power at the end to bring Rhysand back?! Considering how they all hated him, he could well have said no and said to hell with it! True, they probably would have killed him if he said no, but he did it! Do people forget that he made sure to take care of Feyre's family when he took her over the wall when he could well have left them to rot?! And what about how he must have felt when Feyre destroyed the Spring Court? Yeah, she had her reasons, but does noone think about how that must've felt for Tamlin?! Or how he might have felt when Lucien, his best friend, left him too?! Don't get me wrong, I wanted to throttle him for how he treated Feyre, which I actually don't think was helped by vile, horrible Ianthe! But people seem to forget what being Under The Mountain did to him too. It's awful that he didn't he try to help her when they were stuck there, but no one is perfect. He also put himself at risk by being so involved with Hybern, but he did it. Maybe it was for selfish reasons but he did it. I find it really sad how he became so isolated. He didn't help matters, but it's sad that literally no one bothered to try to help him. They just brushed him off like some evil villain, who wasn't worth trying to help. Reading about him in A Court of Frost and Starlight, living in that absolute mausoleum of a house, made me just want to reach into the book and give him the biggest hug! If there are anymore books in the series, then I hope Tamlin finds some happiness/redemption. Everyone deserves a second chance! Going back to Rhysand and the rest, I can't believe the hypocrisy of the lot of them! They can all make mistakes and be forgiven , but Tamlin can't?! Like Nesta? They're willing to forgive all her crappy, shitty behaviour, but can't extend the same courtesy to Tamlin?! Nesta can be a grade a b*** to everyone including her sisters no less, but they're happy to let it go?! But when it comes to Tamlin they're happy to knock him down again and again?!
After that treatment of Tamlin, they can all rot for all I care, with their bullshit holier than thou attitudes! Well, apart from Azriel and Lucien. The only two characters that I remain liking. The only reason I'll read any future books (if there are to be any) is for them.
I've been avoiding writing the review for this book for two days. Well, it's time I'll do it.
So, this book is a bit different in atmosphere than the previous one. Of course, it could be understandable with so many things coming to the end. But I did expect just a bit more of something from it. It definitely wasn't boring, there was always something happening and I couldn't put this book down, even when I knew that I need to prepare for my exam.
The first part was not easy for me to read or at least, I thought that it would be that way. Feyre had to do a lot of things and in a lot of books that I'd read prior to ACOWAR, the characters in such situation disappointed me. But not Feyre. She did it impeccably.
After that, the book just flowed for me. I can't say that there are some big plot twists or even one, but that's okay. Instead of that, I've got a lot of scenes, where I thought that it will go one way, but something different happened. Anyway, I loved the characters and relationships between them (with a couple of exceptions, but that's just in my head, I guess).
As for the end of one arc, we certainly got a finale for a couple of characters and I could've stopped right here. But there are enough kernels for continuation of the series and I do want to know what happens next with other characters.
My least favorite in the series so far. It was still a decent read, but it could have been 200-300 pages. 700 pages was entirely too long and drawn out, I felt like barely anything happened.
Spoilers start here so stop reading if you don't want to be spoiled!
I feel like Tamlin deserves forgiveness and happiness now. I'm starting to become sympathetic to him now because he has been betrayed by all the people closest to him at this point. He's saved Feyre's life AND Rhys's now. It's enough. He needs to work through his anger, go to therapy, and then he deserves a real mate and better friends tbh. I mean, I personally don't want to read details about it, but I'd like just a couple sentences saying he has a mate and is happy. That's all. Outside of that, I'm so anxious to read more about Cassian and Nesta.
Spoiler Reading Vlog 2021
I really did enjoy this book so much, and I loved how much more political talk was in here between the different courts. I docked it half a star just because it did wrap up super neatly with almost no consequences and because I knew there was another book, every almost death or injury didn't really make me worry. Everything else I adored!
Reading Vlog: Coming Soon
Ahhhh it was so good!!! I loved it! How everything happened and it's so hard not to spoiler anything
Honestly debating three stars for this Because the ending was so goddamn trite.
Made it about 30% before I lost interest. Maybe I'll pick it up again, but I'm moving on for now.
This was SUCH A GOOD SERIES. I loved it so so so much, I will definitely re-read it in the future. Amazing.