Average rating4
I don't know why, but this took a while to click for me. The first 20% of this went so fast plot-wise and read like it was targeted at a younger demographic than I was, but then at some point it all started to come together and I was into it.
People weren't lying when they said it could be compared to Assassin's Apprentice (though this one has more action). Not that much that this could be considered a ripoff, but in the “if you liked that, you might like this” way.
The story (which is almost like a whodunnit) was great. I'm a bit confused on how the magic in it works exactly, but that's fine. My favorite were the characters! Girton is alright, but I gotta give it up for Rufra and Nywulf!
I liked the dialogue between Girton and Rufra especially. It was done in a way that really made their friendship believable and why they enjoyed each other's company so much.
On the other hand, I didn't care for Merela that much, which I think is partly because Girton keeps referring to her as “master” (which is probably the most used word in this novel) and we don't get to know her much as a character of her own.
Really liked it!