In a dangerous, devastated New York, one 16-year-old Australian boy finds himself...alone. A gripping thriller that follows the events from Chasers, the first book in the Alone trilogy. It's twelve days later and chaos reigns in New York. Pursued by the predatory Chasers, Jesse finds unexpected friendship in three other survivors: Felicity – a girl he meets via a home video. Finding her is the key to escape. Rachel – more concerned with animals than people. Can Jesse persuade her to put her own safety first? And Caleb – disillusioned, angry, and maybe dangerous. Friendship comes at a price in a world where nothing can be relied upon. Will Jesse's new mates help him flee or is he . . . destined always to be alone? The Alone Trilogy Alone: Chasers Alone: Survivor Alone: Quarantine
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