Average rating4.3
An entirely fitting end to the first main story arc of the Rivers of London series. Just enough story seeds sprinkled around to get the next arc going. Looking forward to the next book.
Another excellent installment. All previously know characters continue to develop in ways that are believable and the police procedural elements keep things moving along. Love this series
I think this is one of the better stories in this series. I have some reservations about it, but nevertheless I find it readable, exciting, and entertaining. It keeps us in touch with established characters while introducing some new ones.My reservations:1. I dislike over-powerful adversaries, and the Angel of Death that appears here is excessively endowed with superpowers. This kind of thing is unnecessary, it weakens credibility, and it leads to a feeling of anticlimax when the unstoppable force is stopped in the end. In principle, I prefer a story such as [b:Whispers Under Ground 10814687 Whispers Under Ground (Rivers of London, #3) Ben Aaronovitch https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1349807829l/10814687.SY75.jpg 14864236], in which an ordinary murderer without superpowers is responsible for a novel-length mystery.2. Predictably, the end of this story involves stopping the unstoppable force by way of some rather unconvincing mystic mumbo-jumbo.3. The new characters added to the series don't add up to much. Danni Wickford is quite active in the story but rather dull. Grace Yutani has unusual characteristics and might become interesting, but doesn't do a lot here, and is hampered by communicating only in sign language. The others have minor roles.4. I don't think we ever discover what the rings were designed to do, nor why David Moore was so desperate to find his ring.5. By the end of the story, it seems that the Angel of Death was given her powers by a mediæval wizard. Were mediæval wizards so much more powerful than modern ones? How, then, did they manage to operate in secret and stay out of recorded history? Why did this wizard bestow such powers on a mere woman, rather than wielding them himself?Despite these reservations, overall I like the book well enough to give it four stars, which is pretty good: I award five stars only to top favourites.As the series goes on, it's gradually accumulating more and more characters and magical effects. Will this accumulation become unmanageable? It seems that the next installments will be a couple of novellas outside the main stream of the series, thus avoiding the problem; but later on the main stream will presumably continue, and I wonder where the author will decide to take it.This book has added Peter and Beverley's twins, Grace Yutani, Danni Wickford, and even Francisca and Heather, who may have some further role in events, unless they disappear without trace. Furthermore, Nightingale is now definitely planning to retire; not soon, but soon enough that planning to do without him will have to start.One way of dealing with the accumulation of characters is to kill them or send them out of the way. This author seems generally reluctant to kill regular characters, but Lesley May now makes only occasional brief appearances, and I don't think Varvara the Night Witch has made an appearance since [b:Broken Homes 16078584 Broken Homes (Rivers of London, #4) Ben Aaronovitch https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1403204872l/16078584.SY75.jpg 21875874]. When last heard of she was apparently still in London, but in this book she's not even mentioned, which is a bit surprising.
A good, solid entry in the series. Some interesting locations, a trip Oop North, a healthy dose of DCI Seawoll and some moving forward of significant plot points. All good.
The title gives it away: This book features the Spanish inquisition (and not the one with the comfy chair). There are also seven rings (not for the dwarf lords), an angel of death, and a trip to Manchester that serves to bring us some more WW2 history and a rare bit of Seawall origin story that I greatly enjoyed. And of course, Peter is going to be a dad and his family are as charmingly idiosyncratic as ever. If I have any complaints, it's that there weren't more references to classic jazz.
3.5 stars. A bit cookie-cutter at times, but still pretty enjoyable overall. There were some interesting overarching developments in this one but for the most part I don't feel like this book covered much new ground. I still enjoyed it enough that I'll pick up the next one, but I'm hoping for something different in terms of the book structure and plot, kind of like how Dresden Files stopped being focused around a specific case each book.
Kobna Holdbrook-Smith continues to be the highlight of the series for me. He does another fantastic job with the audiobook.
Peter's called in for an initial assessment on an odd murder scene, just to make sure that there's nothing magical about it. He brings along the newest trainee to the Folly's Course in magical policing, just to familiarize police throughout the country with their methods. On an initial glance, it looks like it's something that would belong to the Folly, but there's an odd lack of vestigium—almost a suspicious lack. The method of murder—and the damage to the more technical devices in the area make it clear that this is a magical murder.
So, Peter and his trainee, join Guleed and Stephanopoulos in their investigation. They soon discover that this murder is actually the second in a string—there's little to tie the two victims together at first glance, except a similar taste in platinum rings. "Taste" is a poor word there, it's more of an obsessive need to have their ring that invites Gollum comparisons (however they might be discouraged).
This case is likely the most International that the novels have recorded (although no one leaves the country—as helpful as that might have been) and involves history and magical disciplines that Nightingale and Postmartin can only speculate about. In other words—everyone's in for a pretty steep learning curve before this is all done.
I feel like I've spent a lot of words there to say very little, but it's one of those setups, I'm not sure what else to do.
With a title like that, if the words "Spanish Inquisition," aren't on the tip of your tongue, something's wrong with you. So, you can't help but look for the Inquisition to show up in the novel—it's the how it shows up that's clever and wholly within what you expect for the series.
Aaronovitch doesn't work Monty Python into this novel quite as thoroughly as he did with the Hitchhiker's Guide references in False Value—but it's there. Which is a fun little garnish.
If everything else in this novel was a "bleh" (and it wasn't), I'd consider this one a win only for the things I'm talking about in this section.
The Rivers of London series has a pretty well-developed world, and there's a lot of room to play already. But Aaronovitch keeps building it out—and we get a good deal of it here.
There's a whole other side to the world of practitioners in England pre-WWII that we didn't know about and that Nightingale hasn't seen a reason to share with Peter before. I loved this new discipline, how it was introduced, and how it ties in with other non-Society of the Wise British practitioners.
It's very clear that whatever the Magical community looked like pre-WWII, the War devasted it—alliances are shattered, secrecy and nationalism became the order of the day—with a healthy dose of suspicion. Slowly some of the barriers are coming down and Peter has a lot to do with that—his activity alone has helped practitioners in other nations (see: Germany) become aware of the Folly's current status. Also, Peter's relationship with Beverly and her family is strengthening and altering the relationship between the Folly, the Demi-monde in general, and The Rivers in particular. We see a big jump on the domestic front with the other discipline and some other things in these pages—but also, there's a real sign that Peter's trying to forge a stronger connection between the magical communities of the U.K. and the U.S. I can only hope that this will soon result in Tobias Winter and Peter meeting up.
Also, there's something that was briefly mentioned in False Value that's returned to here, but isn't given all that much attention. I think, ultimately, this is going to be the post-Faceless Man Big Bad, and this slow build-up to it in a series of 2+ is great. I'm including this with the Worldbuilding because it's pretty clear that whatever this ends up being, Peter (and I bet Nightingale, too) are going to have to reconsider what they know about the world.
When the book opens, Beverly is close to delivering the twins. In practically every conversation that Peter gets into, someone is asking him about the upcoming birth, the christening (or whatever they end up doing), etc. Seemingly every minor character from the series so far is talking about it.
There are all sorts of goings-on at Beverly's home to prepare for the birth—and those who aren't asking Peter questions are chipping in to get things ready.
All hands are on deck—several in unexpected ways—on this front, and for long-time fans, this whole story through the novel is going to be a real pleasure—it's the emotional heart of the novel and it pays off well. This storyline—especially the last ten pages of the book—is almost enough to tip me from the 4 Stars I was going to give the novel to a 5.
I've tipped my hand already, I realize, but I liked this novel—a lot. This is fairly predictable—it's the ninth novel in a series that I'm a completist in. I've read and listened to the previous eight novels, short stories, and novellas at least once—and have read all the comics one or two times, too. So, it'd take a massive drop in quality for me to be negative about this. It's not my favorite in the series—but it's on the upper end of the spectrum.
I do wonder if the main story could've been focused on a bit more in the midst of the personal story and all the expansion of the world that's going on, it sometimes seemed to take a backseat to other things. I think we got a simpler story so that Aaronovitch could do all the extra things without overcrowding the novel. Also, I can't think of a thing he should've cut. If anything, I think it could've been improved with another 100-150 pages of material. For example, we'd have been better served to have our favorite FBI Agent, Kim Reynolds, get 2-4 scenes showing some work in the States related to the crimes.
There are some great character moments—including from some unexpected corners. For example, we get some background on one character that I'd simply assumed we'd never learn more about (I think Peter was with me on this point). Like so many things in this novel, that's a real treat for the fans.
It's hard to say without knowing where things are going, but it feels to me like the first arc wrapped up in Lies Sleeping and False Value served as a chance for the characters and readers to catch their breath after it, and Amongst our Weapons is setting things up for the next arc. Given all the things that are set up? It's going to make taking down the Faceless Man seem easy. I can't wait.
Obviously, I recommend this to those who've read this series—although I probably don't need to. If you've read this far and haven't read the series—I encourage you to do so. I don't know that this is where I'd jump on—it's not a bad place, per se, but it's not the best. Maybe try False Value first—however, going back to the beginning would be best.
Originally posted at irresponsiblereader.com.
4.5 stars!
I need more. I love these characters.
Some bits dragged on but somehow i got it in my head that it was part of Peter Grant's charm.
I am biased.
Finally! I'm free of this book! I used to really like this world and its rather unique inhabitants as well as the stories [a:Ben Aaronovitch 363130 Ben Aaronovitch https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1647526446p2/363130.jpg] so expertly told us.This time around, though, I was bored by the lacklustre story at the centre of “[b:Amongst Our Weapons 59628021 Amongst Our Weapons (Rivers of London, #9) Ben Aaronovitch https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1644713327l/59628021.SY75.jpg 93908917]”: An “Angel of Death” is killing the owners of some obscure rings with Lesley being on the hunt for said rings. Peter does his best to prevent further deaths.Through 80% of this instalment in the series, I only read it in bed because it served as a perfect sleeping drug. The abysmal pacing, being told about Beverly's pregnancy (mostly referred to as “the bulge” which felt derogatory even though it most certainly wasn't meant like that), quite a few encounters with the culprit but hardly any progress until the very end - it all made for a veritable snoozefest.Nightingale is mostly around and yet feels strangely absent - he doesn't have much of a role at all. Fortunately, there were a few redeeming moments: Peter refuses to lay a trap to just plain kill the culprit but looks for a better solution. Lesley plays a much better role than previously and - very importantly - the foxes are back. Not as prominently as they deserve but at least they're there and hilarious as ever.And, of course, Beverly's and Peter's twins are finally born! Still, “Amongst Our Weapons” read like Aaronovitch has lost any real intrinsic motivation to write these novels. He routinely wrote another entry which will, undoubtedly, sell well but his heart doesn't seem to be in it anymore.A sad two stars out of five.Blog Facebook Twitter Instagram Ceterum censeo Putin esse delendam