Average rating3.5
Every single one of these books drags at the beginning, but the storytelling always impresses me at the end. So each time I have to plan to read the next.
I bought the previous 7 books in this series, but lost interest when the last 2 books veered in surprising directions.
Awakened has ‘reawakened' my interest in the House of Night series, pun intended!
There is great character development for several favourite cast members, and a few shocks that kept me turning pages.
The cliffhangers leading into the next in the series are excellent.
I'm looking forward to following the adventures of Zoey Redbird, Stevie Rae, Stark, Neferet, Kalona and co. in Destined.
It's kind of nice when you can read a series of 12 books and not be able to tell anyone what part was in what title because the story line just flows that well!
I really wouldn't suggest anyone just buying this book without buying the whole series and starting from the beginning of the story. As a matter of fact I wouldn't suggest buying any of them without buying the first book of the series and starting from there.
This series follows Zoey Redbird, a teenager who finds herself turning into the most powerful Vampyre the world has ever seen. (Yes the spelling of vampyre is how they spell it in these books :) ) Zoey is faced with the important task of saving/protecting the world from the evils that threaten it. The main villain in this series is Neferet, a woman who used to follow the Goddess over all Vampyres and was at one time considered righteous, however she turned evil and started following the voice of someone much darker. Each book tells a part of the story where Zoey and Neferet clash and have to fight either each other or some one who is partnering up with Neferet.
I'll stop there as I don't want to give too much away, but I will certainly add that the book is very entertaining and did a very good job of keeping me wanting to come back for more. Its easy to understand why this series has such a huge following.
I liked the plot and I love the Characters. But with every HON book I've read the love scenes make really uncomfortable, they are too graphic for my tolerance. I have to skip through them or else I feel icky afterward.
Great book :) I can't wait for the next one! They are just so light and make me forget adult crap, lol!