Cover 6





Average rating4.2


Well truth be told I am never good with writing my thoughts during a book but I am practising.

I did quite like this book. Was it apselutly amazing? No, but I felt I could enjoy myself while reading it. I really enjoyed the general plot of the book, the caracthers were written ‘alive' and I felt I could properly imgain what I read. It had it's times where I smiled/chuckeled a little. Like in the start where Remy and Robin argues about raisns in scones (even tho I belive they called it something else) or just in general when they bicker about subjects or how they will resolve something.

Personally I am a bit unsure about how muvh I enjoyed the drops of latin, french, Chinese(mandarin), and other languages. I enjoyed it as I myself am a language geek but it also at times frusteated me as I felt it was not always translated what the words ment and I wanted to know what it ment. Again on language I felt the author maybe could deside whatever they wanted to use outdated words or not as it veries alot with how many ‘advanced' words are used or not. 

Overall I really enjoyed this book and would give it a 3.5

December 21, 2023Report this review