Bats Sing, Mice Giggle: The Surprising Science of Animals' Inner Lives

Bats Sing, Mice Giggle

The Surprising Science of Animals' Inner Lives



285 books


Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving
Touched with Fire: Manic-Depressive Illness and the Artistic Temperament
Wasted: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia
Madness: A Bipolar Life
Hyperbole and a Half: Unfortunate Situations, Flawed Coping Mechanisms, Mayhem, and Other Things That Happened
Behind the Gates of Gomorrah: A Year With the Criminally Insane


286 books

Nonfiction Gen

Don't Shoot, We're Republicans: The True Story of the FBI Agent Who Did Things His Way
Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth
Terrorism: A History
Danse Macabre
Sex, Lies, and Handwriting
J.R.R. Tolkien


69 books

Sci Med

Lab Girl
Sex, Lies, and Handwriting
What If? Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions
H is for Hawk
Do No Harm: Stories of Life, Death, and Brain Surgery
Admissions: Life as a Brain Surgeon
When the Air Hits Your Brain: Tales of Neurosurgery