Average rating3.9
I'm giving this 3 stars, since that's right in the middle and there's some stories I didn't love as much, but this was wayyyy to cute.
Great collection of romantic short stories by 6 true superstars of YA - all Black women. There's a connecting thread woven through each story but they're all distinct and you can clearly tell who wrote each one. The audio was excellent, Dion Graham especially (of course). My favorite was Tiffany D. Jackson's because it was broken up in multiple parts between the other stories and that space really gave it room to breathe and build. Also exciting to see a lighter side from her! This will be an easy sell to teens 8th and up.
Kind of a mixed bag. Angie Thomas delivers the goods, as usual (plus a perfect resolution that defied the trope) and Nicola Yoon did a neat job of tying things up (and managed to quell my lingering dislike of her over Everything, Everything). Tiffany D. Jackson offered a solid story that suffered from being told in instalments and Nic Stone's contribution gave me all the feels although I think it needed another round of edits. I continue to feel no love for the writing of both Ashley Woodfolk and Dhonielle Clayton; neither story held my interest and ended in the exact formulaic way I was expecting.
I was only meh about 2 of these stories.
I personally am really enjoying the anthologies all set around the same event. I think that's such a cute idea!
This was amazing. I need to re-read urgently so I can highlight stuff, and put together a coherent thought because at the moment, its just love.
Adorei! Muito fofinhas as histórias, que têm a ideia de ser um romance dividido (inventei que a ideia era essa, mas me pareceu), quando são alguns contos ligados por algumas passagens de que os personagens se conhecem.
Não dei cinco estrelas porque achei que se tivesse um pouco mais de aprofundamento e equilíbrio entre as histórias (tive a impressão de algumas serem mais curtas que outras), com uma ligação que desse a impressão de “são vários núcleos mas é uma história só”, seria ainda mais interessante! Também fiquei esperando por um desfecho mais claro de algumas partes.
Falando assim, parece que não gostei, mas me diverti muito e me emocionei em outras partes. Apesar de ser um livro curto, aborda temas como amor próprio, identidade de gênero e auto aceitação de uma forma leve, e assuntos delicados sem pesar o clima das histórias. Já sou fã de algumas das autoras de outras histórias e gostei de conhecer um pouco da escrita de outras, mesmo sabendo que às vezes o gênero desse livro não seja o que elas escrevem frequentemente.
Recomendo muito a leitura para quem busca várias histórias fofinhas de amor entre jovens, com personagens divertidos que talvez mereciam ganhar mais destaque em histórias maiores, quem sabe!
This was such a cozy read. I would consider myself not a huge romance reader, but this one kept a smile on my face. I loved how all the different stories were connected in some way. The diversity in all the stories were great to see as well. I love to see the inclusivity. I highly recommend for anyone wanting a quick cozy read.