Average rating3.8
hate the pop culture references, hate this sick im not like other girls annoying mc, hate the writing style
That broad church reinscribes racist, misogynist, ableist thought, while the pettiness appears authentic to the author. It is wry and vivid, too.
An incredibly raw perspective from our unhinged protagonist. Dark, yet hilarious and extremely quoteable. An absolutely magnificent narration from the author herself. The voices she does for the other characters are just dripping with contempt. Especially the text message conversations, I will never look at texts ending with ‘haha' the same again. Bonus references to Lord of the Rings!
3.5. I did enjoy reading this, but not as much as I expected. It was interesting, definitely more character-driven than plot-driven. This falls in a weird spot for me because, of course it's disturbing, but also not disturbing enough to feel like it was challenging my thoughts or expectations. I know that's a weird thing to say, but I just think Irina had very clear psychopathic tendencies so I didn't find her actions to be that unpredictable. In a way, I did feel like I understood this character's worldview, which is to Eliza Clark's credit. I liked reading it. I can see why some people loved it. It was good, but not great.
Merged review:
3.5. I did enjoy reading this, but not as much as I expected. It was interesting, definitely more character-driven than plot-driven. This falls in a weird spot for me because, of course it's disturbing, but also not disturbing enough to feel like it was challenging my thoughts or expectations. I know that's a weird thing to say, but I just think Irina had very clear psychopathic tendencies so I didn't find her actions to be that unpredictable. In a way, I did feel like I understood this character's worldview, which is to Eliza Clark's credit. I liked reading it. I can see why some people loved it. It was good, but not great.
hate the pop culture references, hate this sick im not like other girls annoying mc, hate the writing style
Plotless story of a privileged girl pushing every limit because she can.
Entertaining for sure
I was pleasantly surprised by the latter half of the book. The author was clearly inspired by [b: My Year of Rest and Relaxation|44279110|My Year of Rest and Relaxation|Ottessa Moshfegh|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1597676656l/44279110.SY75.jpg|55508660], which is reflected in the first half or so. However, I was truly impressed by how she developed the story. I believe Irina is brilliant as a main character, and as we discover how unreliable Irina is as a narrator, I loved that I was forced to question the true nature of Irina's experiences, how removed from reality she may be. Very [b: American Psycho|28676|American Psycho|Bret Easton Ellis|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1436934349l/28676._SY75_.jpg|2270060]-esque. The ending was impeccable, the bag/severed head sequence really stuck with me.
Also I <3 Eddie from Tesco, Fuck you Irina
But also I love her.
-1.1 for the British slang.