Buffy the Vampire Slayer: No Future for You
2007 • 120 pages


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Hooray for Faith & Giles! This does it for me. Who needs TV/movies when you have comic books?

October 23, 2011

I appreciated the animation style change for one of the arcs. It was a cool look into how maybe it would have looked had it been an animated cartoon.

February 20, 2017

I feel about 13 reading it, but I will stay up until done (luckily flashlights are no longer required).

October 22, 2010
November 15, 2009

There are a lot of pretty random spins on the story that they never could have done on tv with the budget they had.. making some of the story seem different from the show but the characters still have all their wit and charm. Overall I still absolutely love them. Joss is a god.
