Chasing After Aoi Koshiba, Vol. 1
2019 • 196 pages


Average rating4


4 stars Chasing After Aoi Koshiba opens with a high school reunion where Sahoko is disappointed to learn that Aoi Koshiba won't be there. After that initial scene, we go back in time and learn how Sahoko first met Aoi and what happened between them.At 17, Sahoko is part of the “IT-girls”. She lives for her Instagram feed and the likes she gets, only hangs out with other IT-girls and only does ~cool activities. She's worked hard to climb the popularity ladder, but now at the top, she doesn't seem to be enjoying herself very much. No matter how much you work on what's inside, if you don't look good, no one will notice.When she first noticed Aoi, Sahoko admired her. Aoi is effortlessly liked by everyone. She doesn't seem to care what the other students think of her and she appears to have a lot of fun hanging out with all sorts of people, jocks to nerds alike.In this first volume, we see how Sahoko becomes infatuated with her and her admiration for this mysterious Aoi might be an actual crush!The last time I reviewed a manga I mentioned I didn't think I liked mangas and that book was an exception... Well, I enjoyed Chasing After Aoi Koshiba as well, so I'm thinking maybe I enjoy mangas, but they need to be sapphic ✌

July 30, 2021Report this review