Average rating3.5
Definitely not as strong as the first book, lots of confusing/non-sensical character choices, and seems pretty unsure of where she wants the story to go, but hoping she can stick the landing for book 3.
Prompt 2 from 2021 Popsugar Challenge: An Afrofuturist book
Book: Children of Virtue and Vengeance Author: Tomi Adeyemi Genre: YA fantasy fiction Dates Read: 03/29/2021-04/06/2021 Format: audiobook - Libby Other prompts: A book set mostly outdoors, a book about a social justice issue Rating:
This is a good second book, but I can't recommend it because of the intense cliffhanger it ends on and that the third book is nowhere to be found.
Good YA
Characters.Like the characters but i feel like they all regressed in age, but she really captured how Teenagers act.AtmosphereThe World is as engaging as it was in the first one.WritingI felt like the writing was the same quality as the first book, but I feel like longer chapters or 2 from the same character in the beginning would have been better.PlotNot much advancement in terms of plot, everybody is too busy fighting for vengeance.InvestmentTook me about 25% to really get into the book. but its well paced.LogicI found some things to be illogical, but not book shatteringly bad. well maybe Iman thinking everybody would just accept no more nobility.EnjoymentMy Enjoyment was lessened by the intense cliffhanger at the end with no book 3 in sight. just didn't have the same spark as the first book did.
Quando passou da metade eu já tinha a nota formada na minha cabeça e o final foi muito bom, mas não o suficiente pra melhorar muito o que já tinha passado. Parece que os personagens estão o livro inteiro em uma cena só, um ciclo sem fim de guerra e magia que às vezes chega a ser sem sentido. Senti como se fosse um monte de adolescente - cada um querendo mostrar que é mais forte ou que “merece mais” as coisas que os outros. Gostei do livro, afinal terminei as mais de 400 páginas e não abandonei, mas sinto que esperava mais desenvolvimento principalmente por parte dos personagens. O final me deixou curioso pro que pode acontecer no terceiro livro, apesar de não ter ficado empolgado pra ler.
bahni turpin olyan fantasztikusan olvas, hogy még ezt a buta folytatást is élvezet volt hallgatni.
a legvége meg annyira váratlanul ért, hogy úgy éreztem magam, mint akin többször átrobogott három-négy teherautó. bele se merek gondolni, milyen lehetett ugyanezt afroamerikaiként átélni.
I really enjoyed the first book in this series, but this one did not hit the same. It felt like I was reading the same plot points over and over with the same frustrating outcome each time until the very end... the characters were constantly fluctuating between wanting peace for all and committing genocide. ALL OF THEM. It made it hard to root for anyone. And the ending felt like it came completely out of left field within the context of the story so far.
WTF was that ending huh.... oh i used to be in love with that girl boy gtfo cuz no u didnt have to betray her like that u stupid ass bitch hope she kill your dumb ass in the next one. I WASNT EVEN SHOCKED BRUH I WASNT EVEN SHOCKED IK HE WAS GONNA BETRAY HER ASS LIKE THAT. IM SORRY NO TF UR NOT IAN NO TF YOUR NOT...I DONT EVEN CARE IF I SPELLED HIS NAME WRONG FUCK U AND HOPE U DIE... I AM FUCKING MAD AND PISSED. WHERE IS THE 3RD BOOK WHEN U NEED IT.
I'm done now have a nice day people from the internet.
I really liked the first book. Love this cover. Hate feeling like I am being dragged along in a series that should have ended.
The sequel focused towards the war between the maji and the nobility which I find interesting because it explored the different clans of the maji, the titans and also their magic. The downfall of the sequel for me is the writing. It became so repetitive and sometimes I just kept rolling my eyes after seeing certain phrases that are always there whenever I read a character perspective and yes, I'm talking about Amari's POV. Also, she's so annoying in this book and I'm done caring about her. I am once again not a fan of the romance. Although, the new love interest is somewhat better than Inan, I still think that its half baked and could've never existed at all, in my opinion. Overall, there's nothing remarkable happened throughout the book but I still cared about Zelie and the maji clans so 3 stars it is.
After reading the reviews that came up first, I felt the need to add my own.
I read this book in a single sitting. Every time something happened, I cried and laughed and prayed with the characters because this author is so gifted in connecting you to this world.
The descriptions Tori writes blow me away, from the way that Zélie sees everyone's Ashé to the dreamscapes built by Zélie, Inan and Amari.
I loved this book.
Can't wait for the next one.
I'm invested in the story and the characters, but I really started to feel dragged down by the fact that literally nothing goes right for literally anyone in this book. Many elaborate plans are made by multiple different characters, and many many times the goal that they want is snatched out of their hands in the final moments before their success, in some shocking twist. It makes for an exciting story, but it is also just vey miserable.
Zelie, Tzain and Amari have succeeded and brought magic back, but at what cost? People who didn't have magic before now do, and while some don't know how to use this newfound magic...some are deadly.
War is here and the land is divided. Can Zelie, Tzain and Amari set things on its proper course so that once and for all Orisha has peace, for all its people?
Ok see this is why I didn't want to read this one yet. I knew it was going to be a great read and would have to wait for the next one to come out. I started this when I got up this morning and finished hours later. Yes, that's how good this is.
The imagery portrayed through these words is simply amazing. I'm blown away with the world that I was submersed in. The ending has me on pins and needles and I need the next book now!
If this series could please be made into a movie... I would be in heaven. Most definitely a must read.