How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead
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Brene Brown's books all centre around the theme of living life as your best, authentic self. This sounds so simple but we, as a reading public, and I, as an individual reader, keep coming back to titles like this to remind us/me that:
–our struggles are likely not private embarrassments, but part of larger social trends involving lots of people in similar circumstances
–there is a way out of beating ourselves up all the time for our failures.
In this book, I particularly appreciated the way she quietly acknowledged that so much of her writing and speaking SEEMS to be geared at women, but is applicable to both genders. Although men have different social burdens than women do, they are under equal pressure to perform a role for which they didn't necessarily intend to audition. I am glad she made this observation in part because I have the sense that women read her work far more frequently than men do, and this is a shame.