Average rating3.1
This book was just okay. There was nothing super special about it. There were parts of the book that seemed forced and different characters' behaviors were not as expected based on characterizations.
I like the idea and the world of this book, I just don't think it was executed well. I may or may not continue the series.
“I'm no longer a daughter.No longer a granddaughter.No longer a girl with dreams. With hope.I'm a weapon, now.”
I hate this book with the heat of a thousand suns!
The “post-apocalyptic” setting was one of the most ridiculous settings I've ever come across:
> The “city” of Baalboden was a glorified fortified village.
> We have not idea who are the Rowansmarks exactly and why they are building weapons to obliterate other communities starting with Baalboden.
> No idea what the heck is “The Cursed One”. Why can't they just blow it up?
> The villain is so over the top evil that it's ridiculous. He's just evil to be evil. And when they plan on taking him down by using the THING that almost annihilated human kind? What in the world was that?
Rachel and Logan were the most insipid, irritating protagonists. I'd lock them in a dungeon and throw away the key. I've stumbled upon horrible characters before, but in combination with such a wishy-washy setting? Never.
The whole book was a mess. It felt like the author had a checklist of things that sounded good to her and just threw them in the blender:
> one “badass” & hot redhead (who's actually a total nitwit)
> one handsome manly man treating her like property
> one for-no-reason-whatsoever misogynistic society
> nauseating declarations of love and make up sessions in inappropriate circumstances
> one good for nothing villain
> one crazy monster thingy that spits fire
> a bit of quarrel between “cities” and a mystery device to advance the plot
> Tree people???!!!
> a few deaths to jerk a few tears
> long, boring journey
> dungeon
> explosions
> tracking devices
> cloaks
> torches
> horses
> Wasteland?!!!
> senseless revenge plan
> more declarations of love
What a waste of time.
(Review originally posted here at Fictionally Inclined.)
I had never heard of Defiance until a few weeks ago, when I ran across a review of it over at Bewitched Bookworms. The synopsis sounded very interesting, and the review made me even more eager to read it! I quickly acquired a copy and absolutely flew through it. There was almost nothing I didn't like about this book. From the sparse yet imaginative world of Baalboden and the surrounding Wasteland, to the writing style, to the alternating points of view so I could see the stories of both protagonists, I enjoyed Defiance immensely.
The two main characters were Rachel and Logan, both of whom were freaking awesome. Rachel was dedicated, loyal, and independent. Not to mention that she could take on three fully-grown guys at once with her super fighting skills, courtesy of her father's rule-defying instruction. Logan could kick your butt, make you swoon, and invent some immensely useful contraption at the same time. Alas, though, your swooning would be for naught, because Logan totally only had eyes for Rachel, even though he fought it for a while. The build-up between these two was spectacular, and the chemistry between them was blatant from page one. Speaking of chemistry, there was sparring! Romantically charged sparring/fighting is totally one of my favorite things ever in books, and Rachel and Logan pulled it off wonderfully.
The world of Defiance was engrossing and very easy to get lost in, and the characters were a very big part of that. It had quite the cast of secondary characters, and many played very important roles. There was the old family friend Oliver, the barbarous Commander, the helpful yet mysterious sibling duo, and several others.
Defiance was not a light read; there were many dark elements to it. Rachel and Logan's journey was anything but easy, with obstacles ranging everywhere from the Commander to the malevolent Cursed One that could set you ablaze almost before you could get a chance to run away. In addition to this, there were many internal struggles both - especially Rachel - had to deal with throughout the course of the story.
I think you would be hard-pressed to not enjoy this book. It had a little bit of something for everyone: strong heroine, brilliant-but-gorgeous hero, heart-pounding romance, adventure, suspense, villains, paranormal/fantasy elements, and a very dystopian setting. Defiance was a winner all the way around, and I can't wait to read the sequel!
It started out decent, but went awful... Couldn't finish it, and I almost always finish everything... The description was so false leading.
3.5/5 stars
This book was good but not good enough for me to give it 4/5 stars. I really enjoyed reading about Rachel and Logan's journey through this book. However, there were plenty of boring parts and personally this book didn't move fast enough for me. Although, overall it was a neat story and an interesting world and I really did enjoy it but there was just something missing to make this book a really great one.