Average rating3
This was a Hoopla 2022 August bonus borrows suggestion.
Fans of Sherlock Holmes would enjoy this. There was many references to Holmes, including the OG and adaptations. The MC moves around the storyline very similarly to A Holmes novel.
The story itself was clever and started strong. Some parts were definitely overembelished. By the middle of the story, my attention started the waver. The MC began to grind my gears. Her extra observant nature became obvious and her “better than though” attitude had me wishing they'd arrest her already so I could be done with her.
Buuuuuut I'd you like Sherlock then you won't mind this MC, because she is a wannabe Sherlock.
Unfortunately for me, I forgot that I can't stand Sherlock and his clever “this is how he did it and why!” Attitude. The act that everyone else is beneath them or not as clever or observant. Both he and the MC need a class on humility.
Ok enough complaints. The book was fine. Writing was fine. Plot was decent. Just not one I'll revisit.
I thought this book was older than it was because I thought, surely people are tired of the Sherlock character and wouldn't write yet another? But no, they did. You know the character that says blunt things because they are so good at deducting things (when the plot calls for it and yet the MC is clueless and not observant at all at times).
Two other pet peeves in this one, “stupid cop insists MC is a suspects because who the heck knows” and “I figure out the killer because of how the author wrote them, not solving the puzzle”
I did not like the main character “Gemma” in this book at all. Very forgetful when friends need something from her. Chose the wrong person as the murderer in the middle of the book. Never even checked about that person's alibi! David N.